I met lots of IchiRuki fans @ AX :D
I also met an IchiHime fan too llD. Didn't realize it until we started talking about ships and even then it took awhile for me to figure it out. DON'T WORRY. I PROMISE I WON'T BITE YOU EVEN IF WE'RE NOT SHIPMATES ^^;
And a lot more people passed by my table going "whoa... that's a lot of Bleach" llD;;;;;;;;;
Lots of people who helped me out, lots of people who made it awesome :3
... Though there was one person who didn't like me and
violinistbaka playing violin. So a staff member came around and gave us a vague warning. Still wondering who it is. I think I'll be able to track them down with my SUPAA 1337 ST4LK1NG SK1LLZ >:D