Fandom: Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Title: Hell's Bells
Characters: Anya
Prompt: 27. Just a Scratch
Rating: G
Note: I kinda borrowed the title from the actual ep "Hell's Bells" in which the scene I drew occured. Poor Anya...
Hell's Bells Title: Sacrifice
Characters: Buffy
Prompt: 7. One More Inch
Rating: PG
Note: The blue was put in digitally after I scanned the picture. I also played with the brightness and contrast a bit to make it look darker.
Sacrifice Title: Anne
Characters: Buffy
Prompt: 32. New Place
Rating: G
Note: Also a borrowed title, but I think it fits the picture perfectly.
Anne Title: At Stake
Characters: Angel and Buffy
Prompt: 9. Protection
Rating: G
At Stake Title: She Saved The World A Lot
Characters: Buffy's hand?
Prompt: 25. Not The End
Raiting: PG
She Saved The World A Lot