=/ Who knew that I could obbsess over a minor character in a video game that gets no love what so ever expect from me? Oh Well heers more about a character I'm sure most of you don't even know (or remeber if you played the game)
http://www.deviantart.com/view/30836879/Title: Your My Favorite Treasure
Fandom: Psychonauts
Characters: Jasper(him protrayed in his mind. not rela him XD) Olivia
Prompt: 49. Artist Choice
Rating: G
Artist's Notes: ARTIST CHOICE YO!
I used up one.. now I only have one left, lets hope my family can live on the other Artist Choice voucher *laughs*
Dragon Jasper and Olivia. Jasper thinks that Olivia is his favorite treasure *laughs* sorry Dragon pun, but yeah
"Ok.. I get the fact that you still have feelings for me even tho your a giant dragon.. now please untie me from the tree.PLEASE
http://www.deviantart.com/view/30701971/Title: G-Men are Liars
Fandom: Psychnauts
Characters: Jasper, G-Man
Prompt: 35. liar
Rating: G
Artist's Notes: =P Nothing specail to say, cept GMEN ROCK XD
http://www.deviantart.com/view/30757488/Title: Tiny Jasper =3
Fandom: Psychonauts
Characters: Raz, Jasper
Prompt: 26. its not funny
Rating: pg-13 for swearing, yo!
Artist's Notes: =P Tiny Jaser was such a cutie. I would totally keep him in my pocket. DUN YOU DENY IT YOU WOULD TOO *laughs*
http://www.deviantart.com/view/30801580/Title: Pudge
Prompt: 13. growing
Rating: G
Artist's Notes: "After dad died it just all went down hill from there. Somtimes I wonder If I knew exactly what I was doing to myself in the begining, Lord Knows I wish I would have. Things got so bad that enstead of drowning sorrow and defying my mother, it became more like an addiction. I was a Junk Food Junkie in the most literal of all sense..i couldn't live without it...What happened to my body was no longer a factor, just getting anything with a high sugar content did!"