Title: The Defense Rests
Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Character(s): Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth
Prompt: 36. Cheater
Rating: PG
1/50Author's Notes: Originally a birthday present for a friend. This is actually how Phoenix is able to win all his cases against Edgeworth. XD (Also I really messed up on Phoenix's hands.) Also warning for slash.
Title: You're Alive?!
Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Character(s): Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth
Prompt: 25. Not the End
Rating: G
2/50Author's Notes: This is what I thought SHOULD have happened after a certain moment in "Justice for All". It's spoilerific, so I'll describe under the cut. Warning for mild slash.
Basically, Phoenix thinks Edgeworth is dead all throughout "Justice for All", and he's completely emo about it, so when Edgeworth finally appeared, I was honestly half-expecting Phoenix to embrace him and be all like, "OMFG YOU'RE ALIVE!!1111ONE"
Title: Manfred von Karma's Perfect Record
Fandom: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Character(s): Manfred von Karma
Prompt: 3. I don't get it
Rating: G
3/50Author's Notes: How does von Karma have a 40-year-old perfect prosecution record? The answer lies in this picture. (Warning for stupidity!)