Jul 03, 2008 13:05
This Thursday it is almost Friday, but isn't.
This Thursday 78.9 percent of my flist will go home early/never came in today.
This Thursday the above percentage is completely arbitrary and I will not stand by it if challenged.
This Thursday you better have something better to do than be nitpicking my percentage estimates.
This Thursday, due to an additional Lotus Notes bogus-ness, I have been thusfar unable to write one of my articles.
This Thursday this shit ain't getting done.
This Thursday I am blaming it on the train, cuz the bus is already there.
This Thurday, the whole IT department is wearing identical shirts.
This Thursday they would do better to write the flipping agent that will change my name in stuff and give me access.
This Thursday there have been entirely too many references to my job.
This Thursday I am enjoying a caramel macchiato.
This Thursday my secret news source informed me that Starbucks is closing 600 stores
This Thursday I will reveal that my secret news source is: anything I hear while I am sitting quietly in a bathroom stall, eavesdropping.
This Thursday, I wish I were running home b/c it is great weather for it!