Captain, we've got wank off the starboard side!

Dec 15, 2005 15:28
Over at Portkey, somebody posts a thread about how much much boasting R/HR fans suck. Of course, it doesn't take long to descend into wankery.


Don't get upset with me for saying this, but your boyfriend is acting an awful lot like Ron Weasley! He sure is behaving towards you, like I think Ron behaves towards Hermione. But then again, I think your boyfriend is just teasing you mercilessly because he knows how sensitive you are. He also knows how passionate you are about H/Hr. Next time he teases you, just give him a smooch and tell him he's right. This way you will keep the peace and keep your blood pressure down. Just be sure to keep your fingers crossed behind your back, 'cuz you know he isn't right about it at all!


I'd like to see those gloating R/Hr and H/G shippers fall flat on their faces (or tushes) when JKR disappoints them in the final book. They'll be baffled for weeks! In the meantime, you keep the faith!

Talon Karrde:

A bit of logic from Talon!

I don't mind them bashing the ship, if it's legitimate. Some people in our ship have posted some pretty stupid stuff, and being hit with that I am okay with.

...Which immediately falls flat in the next few lines:

I do, however, get rather annoyed when they're like, oh, we're better than you...because we believe in trees...or something like that. Pulling stuff out of their, uh, cushy behinds is annoying insofar as it makes me realize that I'm talking to a 13-year old...

And then I end the conversation. Why argue with someone who doesn't think rationally and who's mind you can't change?


I totally agree with you littlesuperHHRfan113 about that it's so mean! Thats what really makes me angry those stupid icons. I saw another one that made me VERY angry ; Harry and Hermione ( than in small letters) I think I just threw up a little.


Bringing Harry food is a sign of impending romance? Wow! I had no idea. Well...Hermione brought Harry toast in book four. Why don't we start calling ourselves Toasteers? Or maybe Toasties, or the HMS_ButteryToast? tongue.gif

Honestly. It's odd how JK decides that when Hermione brings Harry food, it's friendship. When Ginny does it, it's romance. rolleyes.gif

(If you've kept up with some of Caina's essays you'd understand the...irony of this statement.)


I actually found out last night that a girl I know and respect is a R/Hr shipper. She said that she would rather Harry die than Ron or Hermione and that Ron and Hermione were so cute and romantic. She also said that she thought it might be Ginny that died for love of Harry and sacrificed herself to save him.

Well I lost a lot of respect for her. After I got over my shock I thought "Well if she thinks R/Hr are romantic it does explain why she's still single". Then I said if Ginny died I'd be quite happy about it and that the thought of Ron and Hermione getting together made me want to be sick. I said it a bit jokingly so she didn't get offended but I have to admit she took me completely by surprise. She was the first person I'd ever heard say R/Hr was romantic. Plenty of people think they'll get together but not many think they are romantic.

Now, to be fair, a couple of the members do attend to the issue maturely, and for that, I commend them. Go logic.

Edit: Whoops! Accidentally disabled comments. Sorry guys, fixed now!