Anonymous secrets about Hanson are serious business!

Dec 15, 2005 02:55
Over on livejournal, there's wank in the LJ Secret community (which works along the same lines as the Post Secret website). Earlier today, a mod made a post about how various members of a certain LJ community (which isn't named in the post but is mentioned both in the comments and can be discovered through a little research of the banned users) were planning on spamming the community with fake secrets. As a result, all the people who supported the plan over on the other community are banned from LJ Secret. Wank ensues when the banned members show up, then later when members use this opportunity to voice their negative opinions about LJ Secret. Some highlights:

safetypinpirate : "I IMed a mod/maintainer/whoever there and appologized on behalf of everyone!!" And we weren't really going to go through with it either! PLZ TO BE UNBANNING ME.

nmbr5wthabulet: " what a freaking douche. did you ever think that maybe it was just something to be humerous, and not taken seriously? lighten up. its livejournal, not the OR."

_heartdown: "You guys, LJ Secret didn't survive a massive blow. [...] There's no need for cheering."

EDIT: (Thanks, mousie!)
sevensweeny: "YOU GUYS TAKE YOURSELVES WAY TOO FUCKING SERIOUSLY. [...] This community isn't god. And quite honestly, I think that with the way the mods are handling the situation is much more entertaining than the secrets they were trying to post."

golden639: "just because i laughed in the beginning does not mean I was going to go along with it and I didnt. [...] im still going to read this and its still my favorite community even if you all hate me."

Aaaand, anonymous: "I'm going to horribly spam the submission post just because of the fact you banned us."