Dear Equinox Vidder

Feb 27, 2020 15:35

Hello my equinox vidder! I love you already!

Let me start by saying what I really, really, want is a vid you feel passionate about making. If that means ignoring everything below? Feel no qualms about it. I trust your vision, and even if we see a source differently we both love the thing itself and I always find different perspectives interesting. If you are looking for direction, and an idea of what I like and what comes to mind as what I’d want to see in a vid for these sources read on!

Masterchef Junior

They are so tiny! And talented! I would love to see something adorable and upbeat that highlights that these are itty bitty children in dinosaur shirts and sparkly bows (some of whom can’t even see over the mystery box or reach the counter without a step stool) making ridiculously complicated and sophisticated food. And how much fun they are having doing it and supportive they all are of each other as well.

I won’t say don’t use tears because I see how that could work (and even help build) a positive narrative...just don’t center the whole vid around heartbroken children, please.

I’ve pretty much loved every season and child on this show so use whatever works for you!

Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order

So, this game made me cry a LOT over Order 66 and the traumatic aftermath in ways I hadn’t before. I would love to see a vid that focused on that and the process of dealing with and trying to move past it for any or all of the characters. Please feel free to hurt me as much as you want with this one.

That being said I *also* had a stupid amount of fun swinging a lightsaber around and using all the force powers so if you want to make a high energy action vid that’s all about style points? Please do! I will enjoy the crap out of it.

Also, also, I would nod sympathetically and laugh until it hurt over a vid focusing on such moments as “so you thought you could beat Oggdo Boggdo without dying 100 times?” And “remember all those times a space goat knocked you off a cliff?”

Basically, vid me this game in any fashion and I’ll be thrilled

Horizon Zero Dawn

I love everything about this game. Everything. I’d tell you how many hours I’ve played but that would just be embarrassing.

I love Aloy and her journey. I love her anger and defiance of tradition and her determination. I love her curiosity and thirst for knowledge and answers. I love her connection to Elisabeth Sobeck and the exploration of what that is and what it means over the course of the story. I love the father daughter bond with Rost. I love all the chemistry she has with everyone she meets and the connections she forms along the way. I love her so much.

I also think just the world building alone, with all these amazing environments and stories that exist as ruins and bits and pieces of a past that no longer exists and destroyed itself would be so cool to explore in vid form.

Just, have fun! Take whatever aspect of the game appeals to you if I haven’t talked about it here and run with it. I promise I will love it.


Would you like to play a game?

Hello, I am a child of the 80s and this movie was basically designed to directly appeal to my pre-adolescent self. Did I think computers and computer games were so cool, and desperately wanted to have one? Yes, yes I did. Was I terrified that we were all going to die in a nuclear apocalypse? Yes, yes I was. Was I totally fascinated with the concept of AI and computers gaining self awareness? You betcha. Did I think Matthew Broderick was adorable and all but not quite understand why I got a funny feeling in my tummy about Ally Sheedy instead? That absolutely happened.

My childhood. Please vid it.

Ink Master

I am obsessed with this show. Obsessed. I am regularly astonished by the art that is created, both in the flash challenges and the tattoos.

Like. What these people can do with weird materials and limited time is magic. What they can do on human skin is extraordinary. Also I find the entire process of tattooing so fascinating. The planning and stencil making, the tools, the actual tattooing of ink in someone’s skin, all of it. And while I do find all the drama and posturing hilarious, it’s not really what I come to the show for (it’s just a ridiculous side bonus). I mostly just want to watch people make really cool art in non-traditional mediums.

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