(no subject)

Mar 15, 2013 11:01

I haven't updated in awhile...basically my brain is on one if it's regularly scheduled meltdowns, which sucks a lot, but I don't want to talk about that.

Anyway, when in brain funk I tend to watch tons of stuff. I have actually been trying to get into Person of Interest since I saw one of the early drafts of Lum's vid, but the first part of season 1 was kind of a slog for me? Mostly because I was kind of meh on Reese.

But then. Then. Get Carter happened. See. Carter is my favorite. I kind of love her beyond reason and would watch an entire show just about her (she is the big reason I made it through the early part of the season, despite not quite feeling the show overall yet). So when Get Carter happened and there was suddenly an entire hour focused basically on what strong regard Reese has for her and how high a respect and depth of feeling and the lengths he was willing to go? Yeah. We bonded. We bonded hard and actually kind of became show besties despite our rocky start. Also, I ship it. Kind of a lot. Which is, I think, shipping heresy in PoI fandom? Just, I get the appeal of Reese/Finch, I really do. But it doesn't really hit my emotional buttons, where Carter/Reese kind of punches those buttons in the face.

So yes, I might be doing it wrong, but consider me one of the fallen regarding this show. :) I'm up to episode 20 of season 1 now, and I suspect I will be caught up fairly soon because I'm in obsessive marathon mode. :D

This entry was originally posted at http://fan-eunice.dreamwidth.org/329344.html. (
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