(no subject)

Jan 06, 2012 12:52


I have been sort of absorbed in a combo of Festividding and hordes of family visits, and being awful about updating and keeping up with my dw/lj. But I love you guys! I do! I swear I will be around more soon.

Right now I can't even talk about stuff which is ringing my bell on account of it's secret. I could tell you that working on a treat for [redacted] has resulted in several crushes on various members of the cast of [redacted]. I mean, I was already hot for [redacted] and falling in love with [redacted] too makes perfect sense if you've met me...but the out of the blue thing I seem to be developing for [redacted] is just disturbing.

...and this is why I can't actually update my journal.

What are you guys up to?

This entry was originally posted at http://fan-eunice.dreamwidth.org/286953.html. (
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