Woke up this morning still in the happy glow of a Doctor Who series finale that, well, made me happy. I don't feel any need to write fix it meta of any kind, which is a strange sensation. I do want to vid. For the first time since I abandoned the half finished Vincent and the Doctor vid in the Eleventy Project. I'm still bummed that I didn't complete that project in real time as I intended, but I don't think it will actually compromise its intent or output to do it now.
To be honest, some of the urgency of wanting/needing to get the vids done before the next episodes aired was a reflexive flinch to the RTD era in which how I felt about past episodes and/or what I took away from them were inevitably changed when I was told 'no, that thing you were grooving on will be taken away or stomped on now' I mean, I'm glad (really glad) I made both Twilight Omens and I before Cold Blood, because of plotty stuff which would have affected my emotional state, but that's not true for the vid I was making for Vincent or the one I would make for The Lodger. And, of course, the worry about nextepisodeitis was never a concern for a finale vid.
I dunno, what do you guys think? Has the time come and gone for the Eleventy Project or does it still have a place?
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