Why do you find it so easy?

Oct 07, 2005 23:48

Lost 2x03 - they seriously believed that stupid-ass story she fed them? Feh. Well, okay, I don't expect Sawyer to be all with the smarts, but as a con man he should be able to realise when he's being fed horseshit, really. And Mike could have smelled it, too.
That said, she's all with the butchie vibe and I am lusting, people. It's the small things. Like the way she shook hands with them? That was very masculine. Don't get me wrong, I don't like my women to look like guys (though, occasionally... anyway) - otherwise, well, she wouldn't stand a chance. But it's a vibe she gives off. Why oh why must she be fated to be Jack's next love interest? Not that I'm not happy he's gonna wise up about Kate, but. Well. Having someone that's actually gay on a JJ show would be a nice change. Not that I didn't wonder about Des' and his 'partner'.
Ok, and let's be a bit more with the 'thoughts' here. I really enjoyed the whole 'is anything gonna happen if they don't enter the numbers' thing, the Jack/Locke dichotomy. That Jack finally pressed the button. I also very much liked seeing that Sayid was still on that show Sayid was so very pragmatic, focusing on fixing the computer, just trusting that it would be something important. Also, yay Hurley! I love Hurley.
Also, a bit less with the thoughts again, but Foxy really can break me entirely too easily. Out in the jungle with Desmond, when discussing what had happened to her? Now I really wanna know how that marriage ended all the more, for him to be so... Aw, c'mere Jack, I'll comfort you! Seriously.
That said, the flashbacks? I wasn't really into it at all. Locke I love as a foil to Jack, by now, and in his creepiness and stuff. But once again, just like for Mickael last week, I felt like those flashbacks didn't really bring us anything new, either plot-wise or character-wise. All they told us about Locke we already knew. I felt like it actually sort of went against the point of the episode... I'm just very wary about the flashbacks this season around, I suppose. Maybe I find they're getting old? I don't know.
Now, though, I really really can't wait to learn more about Analucia and her merry little gang of survivors. Especially Adebisi, who I'm gonna keep calling Adebisi until we know his character's name because I can never remember the actor's. For those of you who haven't watched Oz (and you should, really), he's the tall buff Black guy. Yay to new characters! Though I wouldn't mind seeing some of the old ones again. Like Shannon. Is she still alive or did she get eaten by a polar bear?
Also looking forward to next week because of the whole 'division within the ranks' due to the secret of the hatch being kept. Yay! Plus, Dom-time. Which, hopefully, will be good. I wanna be adoring Charlie again.

Alias 5x02 - well. First off I'm really glad they realised Sydney wasn't the only one who should be seen in the credits... It's probably a foreshadow of how she's not gonna be the main thing anymore, which isn't necessarily a bad thing at all if you ask me.
Also. They kill off Vaughn, ok, whatever. But they give Weiss a promotion and I'm all sad!!! Don't go, Eric. I'm gonna miss you. *pouts*
But I like the new guy already. Tom? Tom. Just two scenes, and already he's paradoxical. He was letting himself be beaten up, and drinking himself into oblivion - and when in APO, he's Mr. Pragmatist. He seemed so down to earth, in an almost abrupt sort of way - not half as much as, say, Jack can be of course, but. Still. I'm looking forward to learning about him.
And, also, Elodie Bouchez with short hair? So shaggable cute. I'll have to lust after her and Tom until they bring back Sark. What's the news on that? Will he be back this season? I want him back this season. And having UST with Tom instead of Sydney? How fun would that be, seriously. Heeee. (You non-slash-friendly people, just ignore me when I get like that.)

Oh. Tom. As in Spooks. *sighs as she thinks of Matthew McFaddyen*

Anyway! The episode itself, well, I'm still not really into it, I'm afraid. I think I'm just out of the Alias groove right now. It's really getting too old, it's been too long. But well, there's Victor, and I really really wish there was still Greg!, and there's the new guys. And I don't think I could stop watching and be totally fine with it, because I've just been watching it for so long. I stuck through season 3, for hell's sake! I couldn't stop now, because it might just be that they're about to get on their second wind or something. Especially with such changes to the show. I don't wanna miss on their revival, if it happens. Though I'll really really miss Weiss. He should have been at the hospital with her!!

And, last but not least, I just have to share. A while back, Morena, Summer, Nathan and Joss did a live chat for Empire. And they were hilarious, but this one question (or, mostly, the response it got) particularly amused me.

escapedape: Who keeps the raw sex power of Alan Tudyk in check?
Nathan: Ron Glass.
Joss: There is a facility in Montana where they have to put him when it gets too bad.

Joss's reply is priceless on its own, but Nathan's is even more when you bear in mind that Alan, when asked which was the most handsome man of the cast, answered Ron. Honestly. Which I can understand.
That said, Empire = love. Excellent interviews (of Joss and all our BDH but Ron) and the transcript of this chat can be found here.

EDIT: I almost forgot. Shame on me! But I love Jonathan Woodward for a number of reasons, not the least of which is his latest LJ entry. Which I was about to link to, but it seems to have disappeared. Anybody else read it before it was gone? I should have copied and pasted it, but how was I to know? It was about owning up to who you are, just being yourself (and about coming out?). It was all manners of moving.

big damn heroes, alias, firefly, lost, serenity

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