I have not been doing loads of 24 icons, I have not been doing loads of 24 icons, I have not been doing loads of 24 icons. To my credit, at least I haven´t been doing lots of 24 wallpapers - and I do mean that one. I´ve only just done the one!
I´m watching 24 Day 2 - at long last, yes, but I didn´t wanna watch it in French. Thanks to Alex, I can finally see it. Thank you so much, mate. Anyway, I have three episodes left to go, which I will undoubtedly watch this weekend. I´ve hardly got any sleep this week because of that show, I just can´t stop watching! Especially when at midnight Yusuf starts getting the shit beaten out of him by those three rednecks.
Because yeah, at the end of that episode Jack is dead and Yusuf only injured, but let´s face it: Jack is the hero. There´s no 24 without Jack. They can kill George, they won´t kill Jack, that´s how you know exactly what´s gonna happen aboard that plane. I do admit that it was very well written and acted, Jack´s goodbyes to Kim, and even knowing that he wasn´t going to die did not prevent me from getting a bit teary-eyed, even though Kim was in the scene. I´m a sissy, yes.
Back to the Yusuf point: I love Yusuf. They did an awesome job at making him likable and trust me, he didn´t start off by being my fave character when he went all antagonistic on Tony. (I love Tony, but do let´s try to keep this rant as much on track as a rant can be.) I distrusted him just as much as Tony did. But he became so very interesting. Such a good agent, and a great guy. But while I did like him a lot, nothing truly warranted the rather violent way with which I reacted to the scene where he got beaten up.
I think it´s got to do with homophobia, really, or irrational hatred, xenophobia in the widest sense, fear of the unknown resulting in intolerance, hatred and violence. The homophobia bit touches me personally, though, because it's always at the back of my mind when I'm holding Jo's hand or kissing her in public: we might just get into deep trouble for it. It doesn't prevent me from doing it, but I'm still very aware of that. And the reason why Yusuf died was very much that sort of thing. He got killed because of the colour of his skin, as irrational as killing someone because of their target gender really. That´s the only reason I could come up with that would explain why I reacted so strongly - I was sobbing, for Drew´s sake.
So now I wanna write a little something about him. After watching the end of the season this weekend, I´ll probably watch the parts with him again, just to get things clear in my head about him, and I´ll try and write something. I know he´s a fictional character, but I still feel like doing that, because what he stands for deserves for me to honour him like that. If I can, don't know what my muses will say.
More generally, I´m much more into this day than the first one. Probably partly because instead of Terry and Kim boring the living hell out of me when they´re not simply annoying me into next century, there is only Kim doing it this day round. (But boy, is she doing it or what.) The political side is indeed very political in a relevant-with-the-political-context way and rather entrancing (though as far as seeing the inside of an administration is concerned, I still like the West Wing much better). Jack is still such an uncompromising character, Tony is still the man (yes, I love him to bits), his story with Michelle could have been so boring but really isn´t and it´s all in shades of grey which I love, they gave George the storyline he deserved (I liked him a lot in S1 - come to think of it, maybe I started liking him and Tony because they antagonised Jack so much - I like tension - though I also love Tony when he actually agrees with Jack), Nina came back and was very much herself, Kate I am truly growing to love, such a strong woman and might I hope that by Day 3 Jack will have mourned Terry enough to be considering her, and I´m gonna stop ranting now. I´ll only add that unfortunately, they still haven´t killed Kim.
Do worry though, I´ll come back with some more ranting when I´ve seen the whole of the show. I might even have something Yusuf-related to post. (And I´ve also started, despite my very best resolutions, a post-The-Orphan Weiss-and-Nadia ficlet that is not exactly cute. Or maybe it is. Let´s say it´s not all gonna be very cheesy, we all know how many skeletons Nadia has in her closet.)