This was gakked from the ever so talented
cgwriting (and also the amazing
khylarenelf). Take five to ten of your fic titles and explain them.
Crossed Destinies: that's the name of the series to which Unique and It ends with a new beginning belong - those two titles I don't suppose I have to explain to anyone who's read the fics. Crossed Destinies, kind of an easy title. In the as of yet unwritten part three, it's all gonna be about a great big fate with insurgence of gods and the like. The crossed destinies of Willow and Haldir are paving the way to something else.
Out of Memory and Time: that's the name of my unpublished "Kate and Faith get stranded in ME" fic. Those are lyrics from Annie Lennox's Into The West, from the Soundtrack of RotK. It seemed to fit this story for two reasons: first, Kate and Faith are taken out of their world, and consequently out of their time. It's doubtful that the memories of their actions will much outlive the people who knew them. Then, it's also about the conclusion our two girls come to, by the end of the story. You'll read all about that... some day.
My Little Tequila: that title also comes from song lyrics, those of Kane's song The Chase. It doesn't have anything to do with what that song's about, however; I was just listening to it and those words sparked something in me. They were a nickname Lindsey had for Fred in high school, and they told me everything about their friendship. Go (re)read the fic and it'll make sense.
Tapping into that darkness: that's the name of my long-coming BtVS/HP crossover. It simply is what that story is about: tapping into one's inner darkness... without losing yourself to it. Joss knows many of the characters in there have to tread that fine line.
A Flight of Fancy: that's my upcoming Pirates fic. I like that title for several reasons. First, flight suggests movement, and fleeing as well, two recurrent themes in the story. Then, that whole story is a flight of fancy - mine, but also the characters'. It's all about their visions, or really their misconceptions of others. What they want to see in them, clashing with what they really are.
Otherwise, watched myself Shindig, Safe and Our Mrs Reynolds. Gotta love the Firefly goodness. And I found I rather liked Atherton, in a what-a-jerk way. I wish I could use him in that planned HL crossover, but my muses have yet to find a way. Now Badger, though, I'll definitely have to use. I love the man... and his accent.