(no subject)

Jan 02, 2005 18:54

Just a very quick entry, one last one while I'm in France. New Year's Eve was splendid and I love you all, guys. I do mean you BR guys plus my fellow OP authors. You rock, girls, and it was a true pleasure to meet you. (And also, you really should have stayed for the party! Oh well.) Plus, I enjoyed Joey immensely... So yes, flying back to England tomorrow, which means I'll be back to crappy Internet access. I took a whole load of fanfic to read and some of you can accept feedback eventually. I'll keep updating LJ via mail as long as they allow us to check e-mail (fingers crossed on that one - they're such fascist bastards sometimes), but will not be commenting... or, unfortunately, reading yours. But I'll still be thinking of y'all on my flist (and some of you that aren't). Don't hesitate to e-mail me!

*collective hug*

my life is so interesting

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