Sister and I complete loonies.

Aug 26, 2004 16:29

Sister and I complete loonies. Have no clue what greenie_breizh and pee_wai are doing with us (must look into Peewai's suggestion that it's something to do with genes). Have spent the past three quarters of an hour on the dance from AKT, with conclusive results. You BR folk, am afraid you shall not escape a rendition of it next time you see the both of us together at a party (New Year's, next birthday, who knows? have not been discussing it with sis.) - cower in fear.

Btw, the_swordman, we're gonna have to have some words about the treatment you inflicted sis. Picture me scowling.

Must now go and practice the Dance of All Medieval and Bowiesque Fun some more.

a knight's tale

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