I, like the rest of the world, am squeeing like insane over Heroes right now.
I mean, it's not like we didn't know it was coming. We all knew it was coming. But seeing it? Oh, what a great entrance into the presence, and he's just so... controlled. I loved his fight with Hiro as well, and the dialogue between them, so very amazing. I'm sorry, but I love the laying to waste everything you love line, I love David's delivery, I love the oh so intense feeling of hatred. I believe in this hatred, but now I have to wonder. Four hundred years. She was his first love, sure, but... how do you feed a hatred like that, for it to last four hundred years? Or is it not as vibrant as it used to be? I have so many questions about Kensei, and I'm still half tempted to hop on the Nano bandwagon on his account. But I'm not gonna because that would be insane.
Also I love Noah so fucking much and I swear, he is Midnighter. Totally and completely. Except less fucked up and deadly. But still. DL! My heart might have skipped a beat. And I love Greg's performance, and oh Adrian, and how much he loves his brother, and Cristine Rose's performance was so good. But Adam's entrance at the end was simply the show stealer on this one.
In other news, working the bar during the day yesterday has made it so that my right forearm hurts so much today. I never thought I would make so many coffees in my life. I am such a wimp. Ow.