(no subject)

Oct 02, 2007 16:37

So London is wonderful and huge and lovely and rainy as fuck and queenspanky is the best host and tomorrow night we're seeing Darren at the Royal Albert Hall and yesterday we went to Coffee Cake and Kink (everybody should go there) and Soho and a really cool pub and ate Japanese and immortalis was there and we're seeing her again tonight and Lizzie's cooking chili and her flat is awesome and I wanna live here and her cat is so big and incredibly beautiful and tonight we're getting more Heroes and and and.

Did I mention the whole OMG DARREN TOMORROW? Heee.

This weekend's Serenity Infinity, and I have to say I'm more excited about seeing you guys again than about the guests. Plus, con dances! But seriously, me not reading the flist has so made me lose touch with some of you, which sucks massively because I love you guys! Can't wait. Blame it on the boogie!

this lj friend was not a creep yay!, my life is so interesting

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