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littlegothsin March 21 2007, 21:55:00 UTC
I've seen this movie for the first time only a couple of months ago (for Francois Laroque's class actually). I was so surprised by how much I loved it, how well the words both contrast and suit the modern context. Romeo and Juliet has become such a cliché, I didn't thought I could love it that much.

Oh, and one day, I will watch Rome<>/i.


fan_elune March 21 2007, 22:00:31 UTC
Do you think I could have a look at your notes for that class, actually? I'm very interested. Could you like, give them to Joey or something? That would so rock my world. I'm easily pleased.

And yes, I really didn't expect to love it half as much as I did either. That movie was a slap in the face with how much Shakespeare's stories do still resonate with us in today's world.

YOU TOTALLY SHOULD. Seriously, you don't realise, there are NO WORDS for this show. No. Words.


littlegothsin March 21 2007, 22:12:20 UTC
Er, sure I can but I'm totally embarassed my notes badly written and full of English mistakes

I'm seriously considering it. Like, I totally will watch it, it's only a question of when.


fan_elune March 22 2007, 16:35:48 UTC
Please! Like I'll grade them or something? :p I'm sure they're fiiiiine. Besides, have a look at the way I take notes some day. I don't think anybody but me could read them.

Do you have them already or should I start VERY LEGALLY OF COURSE help you get them?


littlegothsin March 22 2007, 17:17:35 UTC
Well I've just realised that a third of them wasn't written by me anyway 'cause I missed a class. I'll try to think to give them to Joey tomorow.

I don't have them yet, but I'm sure I can get them the usual VERY LEGAL way, can't I ? (with a rise on the tag) (ask joey about that if you dare)


fan_elune March 24 2007, 13:16:58 UTC
Thank you thank you thank you! I'll photocopy them on Monday, and give them back to Joey to give you.

...heh. Didn't even have to ask. Ugh. But, um, YES! Yes yes yes.


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