"Sometimes, life doesn't suck."

Jun 23, 2006 19:18

Happy birthday, Joss! May I remind all of you that can afford it that Browncoats everywhere are all buying a copy of Serenity today, and that you should too. Even if you already own it. Share the love, spread the love, today's the day to buy that DVD. ...except I haven't bought DVDs or books for months and there's a reason for that and I'm starting to get very stressed about money issues so, yeah, I won't. I'm sorry. Does that make me a bad Browncoat? I'm trying to rationalise it by assuring myself that it's not like the French numbers of Serenity sales would ever reach enough to be noticed. It's sadly true.

In other news - Pride tomorrow yay! Here's to hoping the weather's nice. It rained on Wednesday for the Fête de la musique, but fun was had anyway, even though I still like that holiday better in cities of a more moderate size. We saw some capoeira, though, which took me a few years back.

What else? What else. I'm finally watching Mawdryn Undead thanks to vandonovan, I've got halfway through it and it's so. Much. Better than Terminus is (although I'm liking Planet of Fire better so far).

We've got Maltese crashing at home for Pride, and a Romanian maybe at some point, and of course pee_wai yay! I need to get some sleep tonight if I want to be alive and kicking for Pride - we're meeting up to change the lorry into a float at 10.

A few spoilery thoughts on Rescue Me 3x04.

Okay, how much was I disappointed by the whole Mike thing? After making me hope for so much from it, now they just turned him back into his regular idiotic arsehole. *facepalm* Seriously. I mean, I thought it was going to be interesting. I didn't want it to be comic relief.

That said, Tommy's visit to Janet? OH MY FUCKING CHRIST. I was cringing and hand on my mouth and oh-no-I-can't-believe-it and oh fuck. Because it did start out as a rape. FUCK. Tommy. FUCK.

And I'm seriously shipping Franco and Susan Sarandon. Whose name I will remember some day.

Finally, watching the second season of Deadwood feels like coming home. Those beautiful shots, the strength and vulnerability of these characters. And on a very shallow note Titus Welliver has never been this attractive. And I've been crushing on him for years. And Alma keeps taking my breath away. And and and. *loves*

firefly, doctor who, series, rescue me, my life is so interesting, serenity

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