Finding the love everywhere I go

Jun 20, 2006 01:32

The love what love? you will ask.

The Joss and RTD love, I will answer.

There's a seminar on homophobia this week in Paris, organised by Joey's LGBT youth association, for which people from similar associations all over Europe have come.

On Sunday my "Strong like amazons - No power in the 'verse" t-shirt helped me single out the one Irish Browncoat from them all. She looked at my t-shirt and went, "Firefly?" Oh yes, lady, now let's share the BDH love.

And today, I was talking with an Italian, and mentioned Manchester's gay neighbourhood, to which he went, very knowingly, "Canal Street?" Either he had been there, or had seen Queer as Folk. Predictably, as the geek and RTD fangirl that I am, I assumed the latter, and was right! I then quickly plugged in Bob and Rose and how much he should give that a try if he ever can.

Yes, yes, I'm hopeless. Although it could've been worse, I could've tried and pimped Who. But I don't think he's the right crowd for that. You have to know your target. Maybe I should ask the Irish Browncoat if she's seen Who.

But mostly? I'm shameless. I'm a geek. And I love it.

No, actually, scratch that. Mostly? I'm starving. I've just eaten some rice salad and sandwiches and it's only served to make me aware of actually how hungry I was. I'll go watch some more of Terminus (oh Turlough manipulating Tegan is a thing of glory) while I eat.

firefly, doctor who, serenity

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