Title: The Heterodyne Boys and the First Adventure!
Fandom: Girl Genius
tsukara written for May in the 2008 Yuletide Treasure Ficathon
Characters: Bill & Barry Heterodyne, Lucrezia & Dr. Mongfish, Klaus Wulfenbach and mentions of Punch and Judy
Summary: Before the Heterodyne Boys were famous? They were just a couple of kids wandering Europa, looking to become that famous. This is one of the very first adventures of Bill and Barry Heterodyne.
Spoilers: Nothing but the fact that the Heterodyne Boys eventually became famous?
Rating: PG for Mad Science Hijinks
Notes:Whew, for a girl who doesn't usually write action, this was sure fun to do! I'd always wanted a chance to do GG fic and, well, my Yuletide prompt was too fun to pass up! I'm so thrilled my recipient liked it. Thank you for the chance to do so! Thanks to
fae_of_the_rose for the super beta and
sweetpea_grubb for the quick references (truly, they both are magic). Happy New Year!
Disclaimer: Girl Genius and all associated characters, places and brilliance belong firmly to the Folgios. Anyone who says otherwise will be used in mad science experiments of the most unpleasant (and thus fun--for the scientist) sort.
And then Klaus fell into the tar pit...)
(x-posted to
girlgenius_lab. Sorry if you see this more than once.)