Someone can tell me what on the earth happened with Live journal??!!!!
Just yesterday i logg in my account and notice all my albums(
Scrapbook) are a mess
They move pics from one album to another , even i have empty albums ;o; where are my pics ?
And some pics i upload justa few weeks the lastest one now are in an general album -//-
Really what happened with LJ , even the new flash sucks , cuz take a lot of time to visualize each pic or album
Also there are pics which I even founf until now
I start to think i lost them
Just to be clear I edited a lot of Albums so...
now there are not like i see them 1st time, but still i can NOT find all my pics U.U
It seems they put all the rest of pictures in a general album
And There is NOT way to change to another album a GROUP of them,
ONLY i can change if i made manually ONE BY ONE