A gift in the form of a warning to all you young, super hot girls..

Oct 26, 2009 17:23

A gift to all you young, super hot girls
how hot girls almost always uck up their lives and the secret how not to.

A gift to all you young, super hot girls out there. This gift comes in the form of a warning. If you read this explanation and learn from it, this will be the best gift you ever receive.

Question: Why is it that hot girls ALWAYS go for total bastard asshole guys, and fucking shit all over the nice guys?

And then you girls wonder why you end up divorced, washed up, poor, and depressed in some trailer by age 30. Why don’t you fucking wise up and recognize the value of smart, kind, guys - ? Smart guys that are kind and unselfish get better with age. the assholes you think are hot, just get worse and worse and quickly rot!

I think young, hot, girls, equate "bronze" and "defiance" with potential. This, of course, is all smoke and mirrors - as you and I know. The girls eventually know, but often too late after kids lock them into their mistake forever. Selfishness and aggression only positively affect your salary if you are a professional fighter. So, to begin with, young hot girls are very very bad at identifying the precursor characteristics of success.

Secondly, aggressiveness and bad behavior are not reliable indicators of cock size. Bad treatment and disinterest shown to you by a guy, are not natural side effects of having a huge cock. If related at all, there is more likely an inverse relation between size and such behavior.

So, ironically, while the hot girls have the first and best pick of mates, it is the girls that get "second draft" picks, whom often end up with the more successful and loving husbands.

Then, adding to the irony, many of the hot girls will get divorced to the first husband after he turns out to be a looser (bad earner and bad partner) - and they re-marry a richer dude who is divorced or leaves his wife because he’s made some money and thinks he now is getting his chance to be cool and be with a "hot," tier-1 girl who is now available.

So, this "hot girl" fucks up once again, She now has chosen the second to worse choice for a mate: the second guy is almost as selfish as the first, just has more money. The good men don’t leave their fucking wives. So, the tragedy is that not only do beautiful girls make very bad choices and end up with mean, assholes for a husband: amazingly enough, they very often end up with two very bad husbands. Meanwhile, the normal looking women, especially the ones with some brains, end up happier.

It is frustrating, because a man can try and try to communicate this to a young beautiful woman, but, even being warned - they will still fall for the smoke and mirrors every time.

warning, divorce, love, gifts, life, marriage, advice, relationships, ruining your life, heartbreak

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