some things to know about me

May 09, 2004 15:34

Your best physical feature: My TuMmY
Your bedtime: WhEnEvEr My EyEs StArT tO cLoSe

Your most missed memory:StEaLiNg ThE tRuCk, FoR tHoSe oF YoU wHo KnOw Me
Pepsi or Coke: nEiThEr, MoUnTaIn DeW RoX!!

McDonald's or Burger King: HmM hArD oNe. . McGrIdDlEs aRe gOoD aS hElL, bUt i LoVe tHeM wHoPpErS
Adidas or Nike: ADiDaS sHeLlToEs, BlAcK wItH wHiTe StRiPeS..
Chocolate or vanilla: vAnIlLa SuX!! cHoCoLaTe, A gIrLs BeSt FrIeNd

Cappuccino or coffee: StArBuCkS cArMeL fRaPpUcCiNo

Smoke: HmMm MaRlBoRo AnD dAnK
Cuss: Me= TrUcK dRiVeRs MoUtH
Sing: DoN't TrY mE. . It'Ll HuRt YoUr EaRs

Take showers: Hmm WhAtS tHe DaTe?? GoOd I'vE StIlL gOt 2 WeEkS
Have a crush: JaSoN

Want to go college:WeLl, If mY gRaNdPa Is CoRrEcT. . I'lL nEvEr MaKe iT ThErE
Want to get married: MaYbE

Age you hoped to be married: 25 If I dO
Number and name of children: AdOpTeD kIdS aLrEaDy HaVe NaMeS
dream wedding:OlD mCdOnAlDs DrIvE ThRu In VeGaS, WiTh ElViS pOpPiNg HiS hEaD OuT ThE WiNdOw MaKiNg Us SaY i Do
How do you want to die:I wAnT tO dIe In A PeAcEfUl SlEeP lIkE mY gRaNdMa, NoT ScReAmInG iN tErRoR, LiKe HeR pAsSeNgErS
Number of drugs taken illegally:NoT eNoUgH fInGeRs AnD tOeS To CoUnT, cAn I bOrRoW YoUrS?

Number of people I could trust with my life:NoT sUrE. . BuT iTs QuItE a FeW
Number of CDs that I own: ??
Number of tattoos: NoNe!!  hehe
 Number of scars on my body: ShEeSh, i HaVe No IdEa
Number of things in my past that I regret: I rEgReT SoMe PeOpLe. .
mosh pit or dance floor? MoSh Pit!! It JuSt SuCkS tO bE a GiRl In OnE, CuZ ThEy LiFt YoU uP bY uR aSs AnD TiTs

avirl or kelly osbourne? i WiSh I lOoKeD LiKe AvRiL. . ExCePt ThE cLoThEs. . BuT kElLy HaS a SiCk AsS fAmIlY
colliflower or cabbage? YuCkA!!

cheese and onion or salt and vinegar? YUCK!! HoW aBoUt MaCaRoNi AnD cHeEsE
Mickey or minny? I nEvEr LiKeD eItHeR. . BuT nOw SpOnGeBoB. . hE's ThE sHiT!!
hugs or kisses? I LoVe mAkInG oUt. . BuT sOmEtImEs HuGs ArE nEeDeD
choccy or crisps? hUh?!

peircings or tattos? bOtH aRe HoT!!

KoRn or SlIpknot? sLiPkNoT!!
The coral or the white stripes? NoNe!!

Sofa or Chair? SoFa. . So I cAn CuDdLe wiTh JaSoN
Face to face or On the phone? faCe To faCe!
Your weakness: hOw JaSoN tAkEs CaRe Of HiS SiStEr. . iT's So CuTe

Your shoes you wore today: LeOpArD sLiPpErS!

Your fears: LoSiNg My SiStEr!!
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