Oct 04, 2008 22:00
I'm pooped.
Isabella has been sick on and off this week. Thursday we found her sleeping in puke. She was sick again shortly after that so I stayed home. But she seemed fine all day (never had any other symptoms) and so Friday daycare said she could come back. She did fine all day Friday so I thought it was just a one off thing. But today shortly after lunch she threw up again.
She wouldn't go down for a nap, but I was in desperate need (out late scrapping with my sisters last night) and so Ross took care of her while I did that. But he needed to leave at 3:00 and so my nap was shorter than I'd hoped. She still hadn't fallen asleep, so the two of us got to be grumpy together.
Thankfully my mom, sister and brother-in-law came over to help me keep my sanity. I had a ton of laundry to do and various other chores, so it was nice to have some extra help keeping Isabella awake and happy. And to help with the poopy diapers as she has had a bit of diarrhea today too.
She did eat well for dinner and she had a couple of bottles with a Pedialyte/water mix, so hopefully she's on the mend. If she's not better tomorrow I'll take her to the doctor on Monday.
As an aside.. yesterday at work my boss pulled me into a meeting early in the morning with his boss to tell me that I got a promotion. I'm now a *Senior* Software Developer. I got a pretty nice raise with it as well, so I can't say my weekend has been totally bad. :-)