Over the weekend, I bought nice new coverings for our bed. I got a chocolate colored coverlet with matching shams and an embroidered sheet set in “Root Beer Float”. It is nice, even Ross was impressed. It makes the room look put-together.
Wednesday, while Isabella slept over at Grandma’s, we re-did her room. Well, more like we “did” her room as there was never a very coherent theme. It had dinosaurs, but it just did not seem complete. Therefore, we decided to go with a general animals/zoo theme and the dinosaurs were able to stay.
We added:
- 4 picture frames of different animals (Elephant, Monkey, Lion and Zebra).*
- One new clock (so now she has two clocks - one Monkey, one triceratops).*
- A few more wall-stickies that were fake chalkboard so we could write messages on them.*
- Three letters that spell ZOO, with hooks on the bottom of each letter.*
- A magnetic board with lots of animals that she can move around all over the board.
That last one was not originally planned. We went to Michaels a while ago and picked out some stuff for her room. We got letters that spelled out her name and then we saw a bunch of flat wooden animals that had been pre-painted. We thought they were so cute and decided we would maybe stick them on the letters once we painted them or stick them on a couple of unfinished mirror frames after we painted them. They were out in our garage with the letters for a few months while we kept busy with other things and Isabella would play with them when they were outside. So we figured why not make them into a toy instead of using them for decoration? We picked up some magnets this week and put them on the back, hung a ribbon around it and hung it low in her room (on one of the ZOO hooks). Instant toy!
When she came home yesterday, we got the best reaction ever! She went right to the magnet board and started playing around. Then we pointed out the new pictures and clock on the wall and she pointed to them and smiled so hard she was shaking. I have no idea where she got that from but it was so cute! She does seem to like the room. We have also made some more room for toys in there so she does not have to play only in the living room.
See all the pictures of her room here. * Bought from Home Interiors