Jul 25, 2008 17:50
I've not updated in a while things have been going on so I'll brush over the finer details...
I found out the other week that my dads accountant has lost all his investments an savings, which isn't so good, we won't get the money back and it basically means that we have to move house as my parents have lost everything they've ever worked for - how dramatic does that sound? meh. But yeah, its pretty devastating to the whole family and my house is up for sale now and I'm not too happy about it, I want someone to blame but its no ones fault...
I've got a free house this weekend as the rents are away in abersoch so I had people over last night which was all fine and dandy, it was a chill out and then 3 crates of beer and 6 bottles of wine and 2 bottles of vodka later you knew you were at mine cause everyone was fairly tipsy to say the least, I have killer hayfever and flu though so by 5am I was pissed off and wanted everyone to go to bed, got even more pissed off when I went to sort out beds for people and came downstairs 5 mins after to find they'd all gone on a drive and Locked Me In The House! Not to sound like facilitator Mario but come on Health and Safety - what of there'd been a fire? no one told me where they'd gone and I felt like a twat and angry that they hadn't asked or told me they were taking my 1 key! ugh, probs just ill/drunk/tired petty pissed off-ness but still, not happy. Having said that I had a good night as we never chill at mine.
In other news I'm still having trouble with guys declaring drunken feelings and even love for me and expecting a clear slate the minute they are sober again, wtf? Not cool. I like them and they say they like me, I hope the latest is just feeling awkward about stuff he said and not just blowing me off.
Will comes back from London this month and claims to have bought me a birthday present - after I ill-advisedly tipsy and lonely texted him around my birthday... nothing will come of it except maybe my long awaited shag from him, I AM a slag dammit! haha.
Oh and I heard some terrible gossip about Craig who I went out with briefly in april/may, from his best mate who I pulled hence ending things with Craig as I felt too mean, but apparently he is getting married (!) he is 24 but still, when I asked why it was because his long term girlfriend (!!) is pregant (!!!) AGAIN(!!!!) Not just pregnant, but due in august(!!!!!) meaning she was when he was seeing me (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Who needs this drama!?!?! WHO?! I felt like a Pick Me Up magazine article I swear....
I'm loving summer and my skin finally looks even enough on my shoulders not to be wearing a cardigan in ridiculous heat! However I'm smoking and drinking way too much! I can't not have a cigarette when anyone else is and if someone is buying a drink can't refuse!
Actually got to the point where in a club I was at the bar at 12 asking for water threw up in my mouth a bit and when someone yelled over 'Kate we're doing shots what you having!?' I swallowed my own vomit just in time to call back 'I'll have a DOUBLE!' sort it babes, you aren't cool...
But yeah, thats about it....
It would be nice to hear from you all!