October; finally.
Not that I have a problem with having no life, but I was seriously sick of summer. And hot weather. Give me Fall anyday. Gymnastics is going good. It's sort of hard work. Harder than I remember it being. Of course last time I didn't any form of gymnastics it was for a company and I was a lot shorter and in a lot better shape.
That, however, does not stop Hiroki and Johnny from being at every single practice and meet. (Though, I've only had one meet.)
School is royally pissing me off, as well. The whole 'Yumi dated/dumped William' thing actually got some people MAD at me. If they only knew how stupid that is. Of course the look on Sissi's face was priceless to the tenth power when I told her he was probably ruined forever. If nothing else my ego was freaking huge for about ten minutes after I gave her the whole sob story.
By the way, Jeremie? Aelita told me what you did with the post cards. That's probably the sweetest thing I've ever heard in my life.
Uhm... I'm boring?
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rosen_sprite wolf_star modern_einstein punk_purple So, Jer, Lita. When are you going to teach me to pilot the skid?
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