oh man maybe no one will notice??

Nov 18, 2003 19:05

hello. How long has this been here? man. I was a sitter all summer!! I didn't have time for a journal, really, I was sittaging. What would I write about? "Today I sat. I really think I am the best sitter ever, man. Forever will they look back at me amos Diggory the best sitter that ever was. Ho hum Twaddledeela man and so forth YAY CHILDREN"? oh man, guys, not like that? Just like children! but you now, not really like CHILDREN. blimey great now i sound like a pervert, don't I?

AWAY FROM THE TOPIC OF CHILD PREDATOR ME WHICH IS THE ME THAT I AM NOT. hahaha, man, that's a bit hard to say, isn't it? ANYWAY!! I bet now I actually have to write about real things, don't i? okay!! I finally ran out of halloween candy. A SAD TALE INDEED. Someone took the last frog and look, man, i'm not pointing fingers but I REALLY like chocolate frogs because we don't get them around home since they scare cousin Emma (she's four!! i don't have pictures and they'd probably drool everywhere anyway, so it's probably for the best) what? oh yeah, so could one of you just tell me who took that last sweet? cause look, man, i really promise i won't get angry its just MAN my last frog.

oy tonksalot, where are you man, i'm talking about FROGS so clearly i am doing nothing but OOHHH are you with Miss Black and OOOH FANCY MR. TONKS AND HIS GIRLFRIEND ARE THE TOPS. Seriously, man, not kidding. i am still everything and pleased as ever for you getting a girl for once in you sorry life hahaha good things come to those who wait!!

this post was brought to you by Amos "the-frogless" Diggory!
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