Dec 27, 2004 14:29
I never write in here unless I have things that I know saying aloud would go ignored or get my ears boxed or something horrific like that, but man. Okay. I am at Bernadette's house right now and I was here last night, too.
Christmas at the Diggorys was good. All my cousins have grown up, especially Amelia, who is more of the sitter now that she is 11, so I am half happy that I'm not in charge of the whole lot of them and half sad because I liked it. I wasn't very good anyway. Mum made a really big fuss about it like I was going to cry over it, which I wouldn't, but that's a mum for you. We had a great huge party and there might have been some singing, but none by me, man, haha! We spent Christmas morning up in mum's room and unwrapped presents for her since she's feeling under the weather all over again. Dad's not worried so neither am I. But I guess I must've been down, because Bernadette came by on Boxing Day with her family (and she sang with my aunt Sis and she has the most greatest voice in the history of the world. Bernadette not, my aunt, man.) and she said I could do with getting away from the house once and a while. She says that loads. I think she think what my mum has is catching, but it's not and it's not even serious. The word "Chronic" just throws people off all the time and just because people get ill during the holidays everyone else has to make a huge deal about it and it's NOT a big deal to me. I'm not worried about my mum at all anyway.
So, we went to her house. Her family is so brilliant. They're really clever, all they ever talk about are things that really matter, like the war. My dad hates talking about the war so I never heard anybody say so much about the lord and muggles and mudbloods and things like that. I mean, Bernadette says some things, but ladies shouldn't so the really serious details. Kassander and her father say lots of really brilliant ideas and things. I'm probably supposed to go back home tonight so I will mention it to dad when he is through yelling at me. I don't care if he yells though!! Don't tell anybody.
Happy christmas world!!