Letters fromt he capital 3

Apr 04, 2008 11:49

Even though im back in town I never finished off the last two days of my trip which actually were the two best in my view anyway.

Sunday Day 5

Alexandria was pretty cool, though kind of a let down after all the build up. What I was expecting was a small town with local shops and quirky small town folk and what I got was a sleepy, coast city with luxury boutiques which i dont exactly remember being there the last time i went. OH well what are expectations except things that must be shattered. Bilbo's tavern was kinda cool, they didnt have meade because of Virginia's liqour laws, but the bartender was fun to talk to, and the food was pretty good. I drank a really awesome beer that was flavored with hazelnut and for those who know me, beer is the last thing I'd even consider drinking. We also went to a small comic book store, where i bought an awesome Pheonix statuete and a pretty funny, sarcastic comic book, written by this Korean guy, I think most of my friends would like it. We left Alexandria with the intention of going to another museum, mostly because my dad wanted to go to another one, which he doesnt get to do when he's on assignment in DC. So we went to the Space and Flight musem, but ended up going to the American History Exhibit that was on display because the American History museum was being rennovated.

The first exhibit was kinda funny, they had Abe Lincoln's Hat, Edison's light bulb and Kermit the Frog...out of those three I was most excited to see Kermit the Frog. I even screamed his name when I saw him, causing all gathered to look at me and chuckle...please they were thinking the same thing too...Who cares about a funny hat or a light bulb when you have KERMITTHEFUCKINGFROG. Anyway, like any proper friend of Dorothy I took pictures of the wizard of OZ exhibit, complete with the famous red shoes. I was slightly dissappointed because age and wear and tear had reduced the shoes to 75% sequins and even then it was more of a Fuchia then brilliant red. Other pictures were taken, all of which shall be posted soon enough. I like the American History Museum, it tends to put things up that most people see as marginal to our history...it helps us reconnect with the vibrancy of history itself...though I don't like the propagandization that it does. For Example, they had Andrew Jackson's jacket, a president I consider a devil in disguise, for all that he didnt to popularize voting in America, his lasting legacy will always be the Trail of Tears and the virtual genocide that was ennacted against the Natives of this land...for better or worse I suppose he is still part of our history. From the museum we ended up going this awesome Thai restaurant; I noticed that all the servers were girls, the only man there was the manager guy now i dont know if this was a family run business or something but it was strange, almost harem like. then agains i could have just been there on a day that there were more female servers, who knows. Anywho, Sunday ended on a very good note, my dad was a little melodramatic, because he was going to start working tomorrow; he said he was happy that we had come, and was sorry if he said anything out of turn. I dont know if it is his age or the fact that a couple of co-workers his age have died, but he's been getting more, emotional. Which in a way is good, he's become more understanding of different things and more trusting when it comes to me going out. I just hope he's not stressing out because of it, or having a mental breakdown.

Monday Day 6
Monday was rather fun, though my dad was at a meeting all day. My brother and I decided to spend the day in Du Pont circle, since we didnt get a chance to see everything the last time we went. I took him to the park and shoed himthe fountain, as weel and Embassy row, which had the Iraqi Embassy, I wanted to take a picture of it, but was afraid of being arrested or something. Suprisingly the embassies are open and have very little overt security watching or protecting them. They even had hours printed on the doors, like businesses. From there we continued down Conneticut street, and found the Pleasure Palace, a sex toy shop in a basement like thing. We went in and laughed at some of the stuff there, including the rather diverse collection of dildos. My brother bought penis shaped lolipops for his friends while I went to the leather shop across the street, it was my first time in a leather shop and it was less than i expected. They had a small selection of leather stuff and more clothes like jeans and t-shirts; plu it was expenisve! lol that's why i stay to cotton and fabric, easier to produce and a lot less expensive. From there my brother met up with me and we went to the Human Rights Campaign store, it was pretty cool. The guy who ran it was nice and very friendly, explaining to us all about the organization and stuff. I ended up buying a very awesome ring with a hebrew inscription saying, "An'i L'Dodi M'Dodi Li" which means "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine." One of my favorite verses from the Bible, and from one of the few erotic episodes in the book. I like when myths tak about sensuality and stuff like that, it shows how accepting a culture is to sex. I also got it because it was read at my parents' wedding and is one of my mom's favorite verses. From there we decided to get something to eat and ended up at a Greek restaurant, which had very good snakopita.

From Du Pont we went back to the hotel and met up with my dad to have dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe. The day ended rather well from that point on and included packing for the trip tomorrow.

Day 7 My return
The flight was okay and I ended up finishing the book for this book club i joined. I was slightly stressed cuz i couldnt turn in a paper that I needed to because the stupid Dallas WiFi system was crap and a half. All in all im glad for the trip, i learned about a program that might be interesting for me to explore and I had a different experience in a different city than i had before. I like to do that whenever I go places that I have been, I like to explore different aspects of that city, hoping to get a fuller understanding of that town. Oh and I have discovered that I love subway systems, the fact that half the population of the city is underground at one time is exciting. Anyway I shall end this and return to my everyday life... even though I don't want to. Until next time my friends Adieu.
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