
Mar 09, 2012 02:32

SO KAT-TUN no Sekaiichi Dame na Yoru! finally got subbed so I rewatched it. Thing is I had watched the next subbed part to 2012 Gaki no Tsuaki No-Laughing Airport Batsu Game. For those who do not know, that show is Downtown's (You know the host of Hey Hey Hey Music Champ) new year's speacal type show they do with Cocorico (Tanaka Naoki Endo Shozo) and Yamasaki Hosei. Being the main cast. They have mostly comics, but other celebs show up too in the show. And the whole thing is the guys aren't supost to laugh in 24 hours while a bunch of funny stuff happens. Really if you haven't watched these, start from the begain 24hr Endurance Tag and work you're ways through the years. I'm sure their is a list or check wikki (Link to where they can be found below). ANYWAY, Thanks to watching the Batsu Game, my mind conected and finally answered "Why were KAT-TUN finally able to do something like Sekaiichi Dame na Yoru!?" It's very simple.


NOw while the guys have worked with comics on Cartoon KAT-TUN, and seen them around, they have no real conectiong, until Koki Joined Bakusho! Dainippon Akan Keisatsu. He got in with Down Town and comics and well...They comics in the Sekaiichi Dame na Yoru can be found in the Batsu Games and other Down Town works.

Un Mystery solved.

Batsu Games -> Here

kat-tun, life, others, subs, fandom, random

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