May 31, 2009 21:32
I won't be able to properly put into words what I want to say about this.
How is it logical that killing one person is the answer? Especially killing that person in front of their friends and family? In a church of all places? Do you think your God will give you a pass because the person you murdered was an abortion doctor? I don't think that's how that works. At all. Now I don't know if the person taken into custody was officially associated with the pro-life movement, but why else would someone shoot Tiller? Killing abortion doctors is not going to help the pro-life movement. Tiller helped women. He preformed abortions when the life of the mother was at risk or the fetus was not viable. And he was acquitted of any wrong-doing by a court of law. Apparently someone felt the need to take the law into their own hands. When has that ever solved any problems?
COMPLETELY UNRELATED: I hate when hockey teams pull the goalie in games. You're just begging to be scored on.