What were we on???

Jul 17, 2003 00:15

And it always comes back to Demi Moore and Sex. o.O

couldbesherylc: I don't have to have correct grammer.
SexyDebG: Billy Ocean has reached into my subconscious and left an imprint
couldbesherylc: *grammar
couldbesherylc: Or spelling.
LJmrkilborn: :-)
LJmrkilborn: aaron spelling.
couldbesherylc: Or anything so leave me alone! :'(
couldbesherylc: Pink.
SexyDebG: Tori Spelling?
LJmrkilborn: panther.
The Weakest Lenk: ladies
HannahBWood: Kelsey Grammar
SexyDebG: gentlemen?
couldbesherylc: Dun na dun na dun na na na na naaaaaa
couldbesherylc: na na na na naaa
HannahBWood: my fucking god we all have the worst ADD
couldbesherylc: That made sense to me.
orlin bloomers: y tuscadero
LJmrkilborn: Hawaii Five-O?
couldbesherylc: Miami Vice?
SexyDebG: Baywatch?
orlin bloomers: [*hides*]
The Weakest Lenk: Buffy? ;-)
couldbesherylc: David Haselholff?
HannahBWood: David Hasselkeepiton
SexyDebG: David Lee Roth?
LJmrkilborn: William Daniels as the talking car?
SexyDebG: Ah, yes. Mr. Feeny.
couldbesherylc: Jack Daniels/
couldbesherylc: ?
HannahBWood: Boy Meets World!
dope x danny: mmm
JustinTheroux71: Alcohol?
couldbesherylc: Beer.
The Weakest Lenk: Vodka?
HannahBWood: SEX
LJmrkilborn: mr. mcfeeley.
SexyDebG: Tequila
JustinTheroux71: Orgasm?
LJmrkilborn: Pee Wee
dope x danny: Jägermeister
HannahBWood: mr mcfeeley was a pedophile
couldbesherylc: Mr. Rogers?
LJmrkilborn: it's a theme.
JustinTheroux71: Seasame Street?
SexyDebG: Pee Wee was a pedophile too
couldbesherylc: No, that was Mr. McFeelYouUp.
SexyDebG: See?
orlin bloomers: captain kangaroo?
JediBoyHC: Knagaroos?!
SexyDebG: Captain Jack Sparrow?
JustinTheroux71: Confusion?
JediBoyHC: *looks around*
couldbesherylc: Shining time Station?
SexyDebG: Ringo Starr?
orlin bloomers: ringo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HannahBWood: George Carlin
The Weakest Lenk: Captain Green Jeans
brendan LJ: huh?
JediBoyHC: *runs after Jerry*
The Weakest Lenk: Mister
The Weakest Lenk: Whatever
JustinTheroux71: Is this word association or something?
SexyDebG: RUFUS!
orlin bloomers: the ide of either of those hosting a childrens' show scares me
The Weakest Lenk: Mr. Peppermint
couldbesherylc: Roofies?
SexyDebG: Peppermint Pattie
JediBoyHC: Shrrooooooms
JustinTheroux71: Roofio?
HannahBWood: Charlie Brown
couldbesherylc: Hook?
orlin bloomers: thomas the tank engine
SexyDebG: Woodstock
JediBoyHC: JayJay the jet plane
JustinTheroux71: Line?
orlin bloomers: snoopy
HannahBWood: sinker!
The Weakest Lenk: Did you know that Mr Peppermint's son is the lead singer of
the Butthole Surfers?
SexyDebG: This is like word association on crack
The Weakest Lenk: *is a tank engine*
couldbesherylc: Piano playing Schroder?
The Weakest Lenk: choo choo
JustinTheroux71: Chugga
HannahBWood: thats the fun version though Deb
JediBoyHC: pepsi
couldbesherylc: Chug?
SexyDebG: Coke
JediBoyHC: britney
couldbesherylc: Diet
JediBoyHC: ew
JustinTheroux71: Anastacia
SexyDebG: Richard Simmons
couldbesherylc: Shakira?
JediBoyHC: exercise
The Weakest Lenk: run
couldbesherylc: Dr. Pepper.
HannahBWood: anti christ
couldbesherylc: fast
orlin bloomers: general hospital
couldbesherylc: soaps?
SexyDebG: All My Children
The Weakest Lenk: blackie
JediBoyHC: soap operas
JustinTheroux71: Soap opera
LJmrkilborn: Britney was Pepsi. I was Coke!
The Weakest Lenk: YES
couldbesherylc: REBECCA
JustinTheroux71: Collect calls
JediBoyHC: the twins
SexyDebG: ALF
HannahBWood: Uncle Jesse!
couldbesherylc: Mary Kate and Ashley
SexyDebG: I never noticed that!
JustinTheroux71: That scary tall guy
SexyDebG: ::feels stupid::
couldbesherylc: I just realised that too.
HannahBWood: pedophile'
HannahBWood: s dreams
couldbesherylc: I was like...waiiiit.
couldbesherylc: Dream
SexyDebG: Becky and Becca
SexyDebG: Yep
SexyDebG: Wow
couldbesherylc: Dee?
JediBoyHC: dream
SexyDebG: Only in My Dreams
HannahBWood: wet dreams
The Weakest Lenk: Debbie
The Weakest Lenk: ;-)
JustinTheroux71: Dreamcatcher
JediBoyHC: scary
SexyDebG: Donnie
couldbesherylc: Marie
SexyDebG: Mormons
HannahBWood: incest
LJmrkilborn: ohh. the right stuff.
SexyDebG: ::dies::
JediBoyHC: twins
JustinTheroux71: Scary
SexyDebG: Jordan!
orlin bloomers: twincest
couldbesherylc: Osbornes
couldbesherylc: Ew.
JediBoyHC: jack
The Weakest Lenk: Kelly!
HannahBWood: OZZY
JustinTheroux71: Good Charloote
JustinTheroux71: *Charlotte
JediBoyHC: jerks
couldbesherylc: Sorry, I thought of that commercial.
HannahBWood: Black Sabbath
orlin bloomers: dio
SexyDebG: Black Flag
JediBoyHC: sunday
orlin bloomers: bloody sunday
couldbesherylc: Flag Day
JediBoyHC: red
SexyDebG: Redrum
HannahBWood: purple
couldbesherylc: White
JediBoyHC: run
JediBoyHC: Johnny
Gilimaus13: purple rain
SexyDebG: Prince
JediBoyHC: symbol
couldbesherylc: That girl...what's her name...
HannahBWood: appelonia
The Weakest Lenk: O-/->
JustinTheroux71: Scary
LJmrkilborn: under the cherry coke.
orlin bloomers: when doves cry
HannahBWood: androygany
SexyDebG: Bowie
JediBoyHC: david
Gilimaus13: david jones
HannahBWood: Monkees!
SexyDebG: Davy Jones
The Weakest Lenk: Velvet Goldmine
JediBoyHC: moffatts
JustinTheroux71: David Crosby
HannahBWood: Labyrinth
The Weakest Lenk: Axl Rose
Gilimaus13: BOBBY!
JediBoyHC: drake
SexyDebG: Bobby Brown
orlin bloomers: stills and nash and young
JustinTheroux71: Charlie brown
couldbesherylc: Whitney Houston
orlin bloomers: the little red haired girl
couldbesherylc: Houston we have a problem.
JediBoyHC: pippy longstocking
SexyDebG: Dolly Parton
HannahBWood: boobs
The Weakest Lenk: and
iiiiiiiiiii will always love yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooou
JustinTheroux71: Implants
couldbesherylc: Nashville
JediBoyHC: ewan
HannahBWood: eyeliner
couldbesherylc: Real
brendan LJ: hot
JediBoyHC: yum
couldbesherylc: goodness
SexyDebG: bad medicine
JediBoyHC: chocolate
HannahBWood: sex
V H Valo has entered the room.
orlin bloomers: chocolat
couldbesherylc: Dr. Feel Good?
HannahBWood: johnny depp
V H Valo: oh, i feel so loved.
SexyDebG: Tommy Lee
Gilimaus13: hey ville
HannahBWood: Hi Ville
JustinTheroux71: Champagne room
orlin bloomers: ville
JediBoyHC: edible
SexyDebG: HI Ville
HannahBWood: underwear?
SexyDebG: Undies?
SexyDebG: :-D
HannahBWood: hahaha Deb
HannahBWood: bra
V H Valo: chocolate, champagne and underwear...?
JediBoyHC: bastards to get off
JediBoyHC: word association, Ville
HannahBWood: we are doing weird word associations
V H Valo: ah. thanks.
The Weakest Lenk: word ... what he said.
couldbesherylc: letters
HannahBWood: numbers
couldbesherylc: fingers
LJmrkilborn: along comes valo.
orlin bloomers: scarlet letter
HannahBWood: toes
orlin bloomers: scarlett ohara
The Weakest Lenk: spider.
JediBoyHC: creepy
Gilimaus13: sex
SexyDebG: candy
JediBoyHC: rare
couldbesherylc: Demi Moore?
HannahBWood: ashton kutcher
The Weakest Lenk: ha!
JediBoyHC: ashton
HannahBWood: that 70's show!
SexyDebG: that 80s show
JediBoyHC: Ma and pa
The Weakest Lenk: boogie nights
JustinTheroux71: Cameron Diaz
JediBoyHC: bad movie
SexyDebG: Ben Stiller
HannahBWood: charlie's angels
The Weakest Lenk: :-P
JediBoyHC: not you tom
JustinTheroux71: Me, heh
orlin bloomers: farrah fawcett
The Weakest Lenk: I was in it. :-P
JediBoyHC: lol I was thinking of what Hannah said in response to Cameron
The Weakest Lenk: Ooooh
JediBoyHC: I didn't like Charlie's Angels :-(
couldbesherylc: Jerry Stiller?
The Weakest Lenk: okay.
JediBoyHC: Jerry O'Connelll
SexyDebG: Jerry O'Connell?
couldbesherylc: I didn't like the first one.
couldbesherylc: WOAH
JustinTheroux71: Seinfeld
SexyDebG: ::laughs::
orlin bloomers: jerry oconnell *rawrs*
couldbesherylc: George
HannahBWood: Elaine!
V H Valo: what's CA2 like?
JediBoyHC: Ditto on the Orli
couldbesherylc: Kramer
JediBoyHC: Lots of twisted special effects, Ville
SexyDebG: Dustin Hoffman
The Weakest Lenk: tootsie
HannahBWood: Problem Child
JediBoyHC: all comes out
JustinTheroux71: Rainman, or wait..
couldbesherylc: two
Lj Meet Joe Mac: i am going ot go]
couldbesherylc: look who's talking
SexyDebG: three
kinda Jerry: I minimize for a second and people are screaming my name. I should
do that more often.
orlin bloomers: chat keeps stopping scrolling.
kinda Jerry: *blinks* Wow.
JediBoyHC: *licks*
SexyDebG: I figured I owed you a scream Jer ::snickers::
Lj Meet Joe Mac has left the room.
kinda Jerry: You're too kind. :-)
orlin bloomers: *sits on Jerry* mine :-D
HannahBWood: Ben and Jerry
JustinTheroux71: Ice cream
SexyDebG: Cherry Garcia
The Weakest Lenk: Bren
HannahBWood: chunky munky!
JustinTheroux71: Phish food!
JediBoyHC: Confusion
brendan LJ: me?
HannahBWood: Nemo
SexyDebG: Disney
orlin bloomers: fishies
The Weakest Lenk: JustinTheroux71: Ice cream The Weakest Lenk: Bren
JustinTheroux71: I said that one waaay back, Hayden. -laughs-
brendan LJ: *giggles*
couldbesherylc: turtle
The Weakest Lenk: :-[
JediBoyHC: dude
SexyDebG: Tootsie Pop
orlin bloomers: dusin hoffman
brendan LJ: where's my car?
JustinTheroux71: Sweet
JediBoyHC: garage
HannahBWood: car
The Weakest Lenk: you're getting a dell
orlin bloomers: 3
JediBoyHC: seat
The Weakest Lenk: <
HannahBWood: bucket
brendan LJ: drug bust
JediBoyHC: chum
orlin bloomers: hole
V H Valo: lap dance?
SexyDebG: Courtney Love
JustinTheroux71: bucket
HannahBWood: stripper!
JediBoyHC: jen aniston
SexyDebG: Brad Pitt
orlin bloomers: friends
JediBoyHC: Troy
V H Valo: love.
The Weakest Lenk: matt leblanc
JediBoyHC: painful
orlin bloomers: paris
HannahBWood: heartache
The Weakest Lenk: Bren
couldbesherylc: love
The Weakest Lenk: :-[
JediBoyHC: lickable
SexyDebG: tongue
couldbesherylc: tasty
JustinTheroux71: popsicle
couldbesherylc: :-P
orlin bloomers: i'm lagging beercicle
JediBoyHC: blow jobs
HannahBWood: french kiss
JediBoyHC: tongue
brendan LJ: :-*
JustinTheroux71: ..Beercicle?
HannahBWood: lips
JediBoyHC: girl
couldbesherylc: boy
couldbesherylc: sk8er
orlin bloomers: mmmmmm beercicles....
V H Valo: blur
SexyDebG: Gorillaz
Gilimaus13: she was a boy, he was a girl, can i make it any more obvious
JediBoyHC: Godzilla
V H Valo: demon
V H Valo: KISS
HannahBWood: hug
The Weakest Lenk: stupidity
JediBoyHC: make up
SexyDebG: Grope
orlin bloomers: detroit
orlin bloomers: rock
HannahBWood: fondle
orlin bloomers: city
couldbesherylc: mmm grope
HannahBWood: molest
couldbesherylc: Kid
HannahBWood: Rock
JustinTheroux71: Priests
JediBoyHC: scary
couldbesherylc: *laughs*
V H Valo: scream.
HannahBWood: pedophilia
couldbesherylc: no comment
JustinTheroux71: Carson Daly
JediBoyHC: reporters
orlin bloomers: Judas Priest
The Weakest Lenk: tool
SexyDebG: Hammer
JediBoyHC: tim allen
orlin bloomers: pain
couldbesherylc: MC
JustinTheroux71: Hot rod
kinda Jerry: Santa Claus
SexyDebG: Roddy Piper
couldbesherylc: Kilt
JediBoyHC: presents
HannahBWood: scottish
SexyDebG: Sean
orlin bloomers: lolol
couldbesherylc: no underwear
JustinTheroux71: Reigndeer
couldbesherylc: :-X
JediBoyHC: Wood
The Weakest Lenk: commando
HannahBWood: penis
couldbesherylc: hard
JustinTheroux71: Army
kinda Jerry: GI Joe
JediBoyHC: cartoon
couldbesherylc: GI Jane?
SexyDebG: Demi MOore
The Weakest Lenk: he-man
kinda Jerry: Demi Moore
JediBoyHC: Viggo :-(
HannahBWood: gay
couldbesherylc: It all goes back to Demi, I think. *laughs*
JediBoyHC: rock on
SexyDebG: Sorry. :-\
kinda Jerry: Aragorn
couldbesherylc: n roll
JediBoyHC: Mmm
HannahBWood: narsil
Gilimaus13: legolas
couldbesherylc: elf?
SexyDebG: exposition
JediBoyHC: *twitches* Happy thoughts
orlin bloomers: poncy
JustinTheroux71: Orlando Bloom
couldbesherylc: comment
kinda Jerry: Mmmm Orli
JediBoyHC: Yum
couldbesherylc: sexy
The Weakest Lenk: *giggles*
SexyDebG: hawt
orlin bloomers: ;-)
JediBoyHC: caribbean
SexyDebG: queen
orlin bloomers: pirates
JediBoyHC: johnny
kinda Jerry: Swords
SexyDebG: crybaby
LJmrkilborn: english
JustinTheroux71: I'm waiting for my name to be said whenever something about CA
comes around.
orlin bloomers: eyeliner
The Weakest Lenk: depp
SexyDebG: hairgel
JediBoyHC: hot
HannahBWood: ewan
JediBoyHC: master
orlin bloomers: hairspray
HannahBWood: bater?
orlin bloomers: ricki lake
SexyDebG: john waters
The Weakest Lenk: ricki
LJmrkilborn: you go girl
HannahBWood: IGGY POP
JustinTheroux71: Maryland
kinda Jerry: Lake
couldbesherylc: throwing chairs
JediBoyHC: Timber
LJmrkilborn: superior
couldbesherylc: Justin
kinda Jerry: Justin
SexyDebG: Yuron
kinda Jerry: *lol*
couldbesherylc: *laughs*
The Weakest Lenk: dog pound
SexyDebG: Snoop Dogg
LJmrkilborn: arsenio
kinda Jerry: Snoop Dogg
kinda Jerry: *lol*
JediBoyHC: baha men
couldbesherylc: woof
brendan LJ: mmm lake
SexyDebG: Jerry and I are ghetto again!
JustinTheroux71: Televizzle
kinda Jerry: Deb! Gimme my brain back!
couldbesherylc: Who let the dogs out?
SexyDebG: No! It's mine!
brendan LJ: woah, lag
orlin bloomers: what's up dog?
SexyDebG: Randy Jackson
couldbesherylc: Nothin'
JediBoyHC: ghetto
couldbesherylc: yo
SexyDebG: true dat
The Weakest Lenk: Simon
couldbesherylc: wurd
SexyDebG: Paula
HannahBWood: Garfunkel
couldbesherylc: Abdul
LJmrkilborn: arsenio
orlin bloomers: le bon
JediBoyHC: bridge over troubled waters
couldbesherylc: *laughs* I knew someone would say that!
SexyDebG: CLAY
kinda Jerry: Barry
JustinTheroux71: Clay
HannahBWood: White
LJmrkilborn: aching
kinda Jerry: Boy George
couldbesherylc: died
couldbesherylc: :-(
SexyDebG: Culture Club
JediBoyHC: sad
couldbesherylc: emo
orlin bloomers: karma chameleon
The Weakest Lenk: karma chameleon
JediBoyHC: colors
The Weakest Lenk: red
couldbesherylc: red gold and green
SexyDebG: red gold and green
orlin bloomers: riverboats
couldbesherylc: AHH!
kinda Jerry: Tom Sawyer
JustinTheroux71: I gotta go guys, night!
HannahBWood: riverdancing?
JediBoyHC: huck finn
SexyDebG: Huck Finn
orlin bloomers: rush
couldbesherylc: Huck Finn
couldbesherylc: Damn
couldbesherylc: Night Justin!
SexyDebG: NIght Justin
JediBoyHC: Bye Justin
JustinTheroux71 has left the room.
HannahBWood: Timberlake
JediBoyHC: Cry
couldbesherylc: Britney
couldbesherylc: a river
HannahBWood: crossroads
kinda Jerry: Christina
couldbesherylc: bad movie
JediBoyHC: sucked
SexyDebG: Glitter
orlin bloomers: steve vai
JediBoyHC: shiny
couldbesherylc: even worse
HannahBWood: lipstick
The Weakest Lenk: firefly
HannahBWood: gas!
kinda Jerry: Buffy
JediBoyHC: vampire
orlin bloomers: biffy
brendan LJ has left the room.
LJmrkilborn: slayer
JediBoyHC: naked
SexyDebG: Slaughter
The Weakest Lenk: !! :-(
kinda Jerry: Winger
JediBoyHC: :-(
LJmrkilborn: house 5
JediBoyHC: bird
orlin bloomers: HAIRBANDS
The Weakest Lenk: Kip
Gilimaus13: BON JOVI!
SexyDebG: Warrant
orlin bloomers: poison
JediBoyHC: arrest
LJmrkilborn: cherry pie
orlin bloomers: CC DEVILLE
brendan LJ has entered the room.
couldbesherylc: sweet
The Weakest Lenk: BREN! *Clings*
couldbesherylc: hair bands
brendan LJ: *clings back*
HannahBWood: ponytails
couldbesherylc: Metallica
JediBoyHC: napster
couldbesherylc: Chris
SexyDebG: Lars
The Weakest Lenk: one
couldbesherylc: two
JediBoyHC: eleven
SexyDebG: 69
JediBoyHC: elf sechs
orlin bloomers: elf sex
JediBoyHC: Want
orlin bloomers: have
HannahBWood: orgasms
JediBoyHC: die
JediBoyHC: >:o
couldbesherylc: miss it
orlin bloomers: ;-)
JediBoyHC: lol
couldbesherylc: lots
couldbesherylc: :-(
HannahBWood: and lots
couldbesherylc: penis
LJmrkilborn: I missed dr. ruth.
HannahBWood: crave
LJmrkilborn: elf sex you know.
couldbesherylc: longing
JediBoyHC: wish
orlin bloomers: lol
HannahBWood: needing
SexyDebG: Wanting
HannahBWood: hoping
couldbesherylc: stop
JediBoyHC: torture
couldbesherylc: or
couldbesherylc: I
HannahBWood: bondage
couldbesherylc: will
SexyDebG: chains
JediBoyHC: handcuffs
orlin bloomers: whips
orlin bloomers: candle wax
JediBoyHC: nice
SexyDebG: easy
couldbesherylc: fluffy?
couldbesherylc: hair color
JediBoyHC: blue
SexyDebG: pink
HannahBWood: orange
couldbesherylc: red
JediBoyHC: sunset
LJmrkilborn: a rainbow of fruit flavors
kinda Jerry: I think all the Hanson fans are at the Leno studio tonight.
couldbesherylc: fiddler on the roof
JediBoyHC: Why is Hanson on Leno
HannahBWood: gay pride parade?
JediBoyHC: And JErry we are playing word association get with it
JediBoyHC: You missed the elf sex
couldbesherylc: *laughs*
kinda Jerry: No I didn't.
HannahBWood: LJmrkilborn: a rainbow of fruit flavorsHannahBWood: gay pride
parade? ::laughs::
kinda Jerry: :-X
JediBoyHC: *bites*
couldbesherylc: *laughs*
couldbesherylc: sucks?
JediBoyHC: blood
LJmrkilborn: I was going for skittles there... but that's ok.
couldbesherylc: ass monkey
HannahBWood: vampire
JediBoyHC: flying
couldbesherylc: squirrel
HannahBWood: fangs
SexyDebG: snake
The Weakest Lenk: armand
LJmrkilborn: rocky
couldbesherylc: and moose
JediBoyHC: horror
couldbesherylc: picture
SexyDebG: stephen king
orlin bloomers has left the room.
The Weakest Lenk: sad
HannahBWood: Martin Luther King
SexyDebG: Rodney King
HannahBWood: beating
orlin bloomers has entered the room.
JediBoyHC: hooray!
orlin bloomers: well that was fun
SexyDebG: Lou Diamond Phillips
orlin bloomers: l a bamba?
JediBoyHC: spanish
couldbesherylc: Great movie.
HannahBWood: Dustin Diamond
couldbesherylc: Screech?
orlin bloomers: dimaonds and rust
kinda Jerry: *sits on Orli*
JediBoyHC: iron
The Weakest Lenk: Mario Lopez. Mmm
LJmrkilborn: ali landry
HannahBWood: Zack Morris
The Weakest Lenk: :-X
couldbesherylc: Diamonds in the sky
orlin bloomers: *clings, nuzzles*
SexyDebG: Lucy
JediBoyHC: diamond dogs
kinda Jerry: Tiffany Amber Thiesen
HannahBWood: Desi
SexyDebG: Babaloo
orlin bloomers: lsd
JediBoyHC: drugs
The Weakest Lenk: 90210
SexyDebG: Tori Spelling
jodrivesdeadslow has entered the room.
Gilimaus13: bad acting
JediBoyHC: hayden
Gilimaus13: awww! lmao
LJmrkilborn: leonard pinth garnel
orlin bloomers: orli
The Weakest Lenk: Peter. *sighs*
SexyDebG: Greg
JediBoyHC: *licks Orli* You are great shut up
HannahBWood: Cindy
kinda Jerry: Paul and Mary
orlin bloomers: *sto*
jodrivesdeadslow: hi
JediBoyHC: *licks*
SexyDebG: Mary and Joseph
brendan LJ: *pets tom*
JediBoyHC: baby
The Weakest Lenk: *purrs*
V H Valo: love and marriage, love and marriage...
SexyDebG: Al Bundy
JediBoyHC: sticky
Gilimaus13: jahesus
orlin bloomers: horse and carriage
The Weakest Lenk: Frank
HannahBWood: sex
Gilimaus13: bob
JediBoyHC: fred
orlin bloomers: jerry
couldbesherylc: ginger
HannahBWood: Tom
Gilimaus13: spice
LJmrkilborn: scary
The Weakest Lenk: Mary Ann
SexyDebG: Mel
couldbesherylc: sporty!
HannahBWood: gilligan
LJmrkilborn: ;-)
JediBoyHC: island
orlin bloomers: mary jane
LJmrkilborn: survivor
Gilimaus13: pot
couldbesherylc: three hour tour
JediBoyHC: weed
The Weakest Lenk: mary sue
couldbesherylc: hemp
SexyDebG: Peggy SUe
Gilimaus13: bad fiction
JediBoyHC: necklace
couldbesherylc: got married
orlin bloomers: buddy holly
LJmrkilborn: pearls
JediBoyHC: OH OH!
couldbesherylc: glasses
orlin bloomers: lol
LJmrkilborn: weezer
couldbesherylc: Happy Days
HannahBWood: FONZIE
SexyDebG: Teh Fonz
orlin bloomers: we didnt' start the fire
LJmrkilborn: jump the shark
HannahBWood: leather
SexyDebG: Pants
kinda Jerry: homeys
JediBoyHC: bondage
orlin bloomers: pinky tuscadero
The Weakest Lenk: billy joel
SexyDebG: Elton John
JediBoyHC: Orlando
couldbesherylc: Florida
JediBoyHC: Disney
kinda Jerry: George Michael
LJmrkilborn: magic
couldbesherylc: World
SexyDebG: WHAM
The Weakest Lenk: Faith
HannahBWood: short shorts
SexyDebG: Nair
HannahBWood: daisy dukes!
kinda Jerry: Faith Hill
SexyDebG: Tim McGraw
orlin bloomers: the general lee
The Weakest Lenk: John Schneider
SexyDebG: Tom Wopat
Gilimaus13: it's your love
orlin bloomers: uncle jesse
JediBoyHC: icky
SexyDebG: Stephanie Tanner
LJmrkilborn: olsen twins
kinda Jerry: Mary Kate and Ashley
SexyDebG: Walmart
JediBoyHC: life
HannahBWood: kmart
JediBoyHC: baby
Gilimaus13: drool
V H Valo: olivia
The Weakest Lenk: target
SexyDebG: Newton John
JediBoyHC: newton john
HannahBWood: haha
HannahBWood: olives
couldbesherylc: Grease
LJmrkilborn: travolta
The Weakest Lenk: travolta
orlin bloomers: newt
couldbesherylc: Lighting
V H Valo: greece
SexyDebG: Saturday Night Fever
JediBoyHC: lizard
The Weakest Lenk: eugene
JediBoyHC: disco
orlin bloomers: gingrich
couldbesherylc: sex
V H Valo: ginger
couldbesherylc: Sorry, had to.
JediBoyHC: absent
V H Valo: condoms
HannahBWood: lube
orlin bloomers: john travolta
JediBoyHC: missing
SexyDebG: Milk carton
couldbesherylc: none :'(
couldbesherylc: *checks milk carton*
couldbesherylc: Nope, sex isn't there...
orlin bloomers: mel and ren
HannahBWood: porno
HannahBWood: ::pets Sher::
JediBoyHC: sob
HannahBWood: I feel your pain
SexyDebG: Stonehenge
couldbesherylc: *purrs*
HannahBWood: vagina
JediBoyHC: mystery
couldbesherylc: penis
HannahBWood: cock
JediBoyHC: formal
couldbesherylc: wear
orlin bloomers: sherlex
SexyDebG: Orlex
couldbesherylc: Orlex!
JediBoyHC: Orli
HannahBWood: pirate
couldbesherylc: elf
JediBoyHC: sex
couldbesherylc: hott
SexyDebG: hawt
orlin bloomers: kitty
couldbesherylc: purr
JediBoyHC: purr
SexyDebG: pet
The Weakest Lenk: cheshire
JediBoyHC: smile
orlin bloomers: mouse
JediBoyHC: gil
orlin bloomers: bob
Gilimaus13: sex
couldbesherylc: cute
orlin bloomers: entity
couldbesherylc: keyboard
HannahBWood: casper
JediBoyHC: ghost
SexyDebG: ghost
Gilimaus13: demi moore
SexyDebG: demi moore
LJmrkilborn: whoopi
couldbesherylc: Again???
HannahBWood: patrick swayze!
SexyDebG: ::laughs::
orlin bloomers: patrick swayze
The Weakest Lenk: Swazye
HannahBWood: dirty dancing@
couldbesherylc: Dirty dancing
couldbesherylc: damn
The Weakest Lenk: to wong foo
HannahBWood: transvestite
LJmrkilborn: Julie Newmar
orlin bloomers: it's six degrees of separation ... demi moore....lol
SexyDebG: lambada
JediBoyHC: icons
SexyDebG: Cake or death
HannahBWood: death
JediBoyHC: fear
orlin bloomers: factor
SexyDebG: and loathing
JediBoyHC: ex
HannahBWood: sad
SexyDebG: tears
couldbesherylc: emo
HannahBWood: alone
couldbesherylc: cry
orlin bloomers: of a clown
SexyDebG: smokey
couldbesherylc: the bear
jodrivesdeadslow: robinson
Gilimaus13: stephen king
HannahBWood: cigarettes
orlin bloomers: sexual healing
couldbesherylc: blow
jodrivesdeadslow: novels
JediBoyHC: unhealthy
jodrivesdeadslow: job
kinda Jerry: Can't sleep, clown will eat me.
HannahBWood: sex
SexyDebG: bart simpson
couldbesherylc: SIMPSONS!
JediBoyHC: paranoia
orlin bloomers: lol keifer sutherland
kinda Jerry: *lol*
SexyDebG: lost boys
JediBoyHC: peter pan
couldbesherylc: Iron helps us play!
orlin bloomers: pot cookies
Gilimaus13: 24
jodrivesdeadslow: tinkerbell
couldbesherylc: brownies
JediBoyHC: fairy
The Weakest Lenk: jami gertz
HannahBWood: weed
jodrivesdeadslow: chocolate
kinda Jerry: *hides, lmao*
SexyDebG: hershey
orlin bloomers: *nibbles, drags out*
couldbesherylc: bar
jodrivesdeadslow: kisses
JediBoyHC: licks
couldbesherylc: drunk
SexyDebG: beer
couldbesherylc: foam
Gilimaus13: yum
couldbesherylc: good
jodrivesdeadslow: lush
couldbesherylc: yes
SexyDebG: no
orlin bloomers: rum balls
couldbesherylc: maybe
HannahBWood: nuts
SexyDebG: balls
Gilimaus13: dick
couldbesherylc: mmm balls
JediBoyHC: drunk
HannahBWood: Ville
HannahBWood: :x
orlin bloomers: food
SexyDebG: drink
The Weakest Lenk: comfort
orlin bloomers: southern
SexyDebG: drawl
couldbesherylc: vodka
The Weakest Lenk: rain
LJmrkilborn: martini
couldbesherylc: drops
HannahBWood: tears
orlin bloomers: november
JediBoyHC: james bond
The Weakest Lenk: berry punch
couldbesherylc: shaken
SexyDebG: stirred
jodrivesdeadslow: koolaid
JediBoyHC: not stirred
Gilimaus13: stirred
The Weakest Lenk: dizzy
JediBoyHC: goo goo dolls
Gilimaus13: cult suicide
SexyDebG: heathers
LJmrkilborn: winona
The Weakest Lenk: christian
Gilimaus13: shoplifting
orlin bloomers: jail
SexyDebG: saks
Gilimaus13: sars
SexyDebG: canada
JediBoyHC: mom
Gilimaus13: bob
The Weakest Lenk: vancouver
LJmrkilborn: bc
The Weakest Lenk: love
couldbesherylc: fifth ave
couldbesherylc: hate
jodrivesdeadslow: nyc
orlin bloomers: rock center
SexyDebG: Broadway
kinda Jerry: Mom
jodrivesdeadslow: plays
The Weakest Lenk: Broadway <3
couldbesherylc: Music Hall :-D
orlin bloomers: chelsea
couldbesherylc: clinton
Gilimaus13: clinton
SexyDebG: bill
HannahBWood: cigar
couldbesherylc: *laughs*
The Weakest Lenk: musical theatre :'(
jodrivesdeadslow: gore
couldbesherylc: Monica
jodrivesdeadslow: dress
orlin bloomers: billary
HannahBWood: sperm
Gilimaus13: semen
SexyDebG: george!
couldbesherylc: I didn't have sexual relations with that woman
jodrivesdeadslow: dna
The Weakest Lenk: sexual relations
LJmrkilborn: stain
HannahBWood: jurassic park
couldbesherylc: hard to get out
jodrivesdeadslow: washing machine
SexyDebG: jurassic pork
orlin bloomers: central park
The Weakest Lenk: shakespeare
LJmrkilborn: shout it out
Gilimaus13: yankovic
LJmrkilborn: weird
SexyDebG: al
HannahBWood: curly hair
LJmrkilborn: shirley temple
SexyDebG: andi macdowall
Gilimaus13: white stuff
SexyDebG: right stuff
Gilimaus13: dubbing
jodrivesdeadslow: new kids
JediBoyHC: on the block
SexyDebG: jordan
kinda Jerry: Marky Mark
The Weakest Lenk: boston
jodrivesdeadslow: jordan knight
SexyDebG: <3
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