Title: Resulting Images
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Characters: Cobra, Rick
Prompt: family portrait
Word Count: 172
Rating: G
Summary: Rick knew they were going to get their picture taken. There wasn't any excuse. He never really needed one.
The wind had made a mess of Rick’s hair, there was a smear of chocolate on one cheek, the top three buttons of his shirt was undone, and there were grass stains on his pants legs. Harrison Cobra sighed and smiled at the same time as he examined his son.
“I told you to be ready,” he reminded the boy, trying to be as gruff as he could be. “Our appointment is in half an hour.”
“I know, I know!” Rick tried to get his hair straight, but the wind had done quite the job on it. “I’ll change!” He raced inside, stumbling over the front porch, and vanished from sight. Cobra could hear him banging around in his room and smiled yet again.
When they arrived at the studio, Rick still had a bit of chocolate on his cheek, the sweater he’d pulled on could’ve dealt with being more acquainted with a washer, and his socks were mismatched.
Cobra still thought the resulting photograph was the best one he’d ever seen.
The End