Title: Revelation
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh GX
Characters: Cobra, Rick
Prompt: blood is thicker than water
Word Count: 297
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Rick wants to know something, and Cobra has the perfect answer.
“Rick?” Cobra did not like to see his son upset, and while Rick wasn’t crying, there was a definite air of something wrong about him. He didn’t expect Rick to grab onto him without warning, his grip strong for someone who wasn’t yet ten years old.
“Am I your real son?” Rick’s voice shuddered on the words. “Did you just…pick me up out of a gutter somewhere?”
Cobra put an arm around the boy and made a note to find whoever had put such thoughts in his head and hurt them. “You’re my son.” He hadn’t told Rick about how he had found him. Perhaps it was time he did. “And you found me. You saved me.”
Rick tilted his head back and looked at him, confusion written across his features. Cobra hadn’t thought about this himself in quite a while. “My squad and I had just finished a mission.” Even as he spoke the words, he could hear mortars exploding and gunshots in the back of his mind all over again. “We were on our way out when I heard a baby crying. You were maybe a month old, wrapped up as if someone were carrying you somewhere and had dropped you.”
He didn’t say what else he’d seen, just a short distance away: the tattered, bloody form of a woman. He didn’t even know if she had been Rick’s mother. “I stopped and went to pick you up, and when I did, a bomb exploded. I…was the only survivor.” He stared down into Rick’s eyes, remembering that moment in its mixed joy and terror. “Because of you, Rick. I’m alive now because of you.”
Rick’s arms tightened around him even more and tears pricked at his eyes. “I love you, dad.”
“I love you, too.”
The End