*The brush dodges, and draws on Tokunaga, and basicly changes him to his pirate form, when anise attaches the Great Pirate item in her game. A fire ball just misses the brush.
Damn, I though he was distracted. Anise, try to keep its attention!
[Anise is raging just a little, now, climbing higher on top of Tokunaga's head in hopes that she'll be able to reach the thing, but it keeps going higher.]
Miss A-A-AghhtzztAnise! It is dangerous to climb any higher!
BZZZKT. Miss Anise, it's unbecoming of a young lady to ffffzzzktfight with such brutality!
C'mon, shut up already, Tokunaga!
Damn, I though he was distracted. Anise, try to keep its attention!
Miss Anise, this is hardly becoming of a g-g-gkkkttztgentleman to wear!
[Anise is raging just a little, now, climbing higher on top of Tokunaga's head in hopes that she'll be able to reach the thing, but it keeps going higher.]
Miss A-A-AghhtzztAnise! It is dangerous to climb any higher!
Are you ok? Damn this things a pain in the ass...
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