omg a post!

May 13, 2012 11:45

It feels like forever since I've been able to post anything, but man, it's been nuts. New job is still going awesome, though I just got handed a big cup of responsibility that is a bit nerve-wracking... So much to learn, so little time! But what a wonderful difference it is working in a large group with supportive people! It's so much better than the last big company I can't believe it. I'm trying to not develop the habit of doing LJ & FB at work, so I just kinda check it periodically on my phone. But OMG, you guys, I have a paycheck now. A *real* paycheck! After 2 years of part-time (much as I loved that start-up, I really couldn't afford to stay any longer!), part of me wants to go completely wild and BUY ALL THE THINGS!! But luckily the rest of me is all into catching up on bills and building up on savings and crazy shit like that. :-D

I had planned on taking pretty much the entire year off from SCA, but the Queen of the West asked me to be on Her Court. So now, I've been doing alot of crazy sewing projects and am actually going to go to Pennsic this year. So I will be sewing like a maniac for the forseeable future! I am also on the lookout for light-weight linen... anybody got some extra in their stashes that isn't being used? :-> Going to Pennsic totally means I need to get my butt back in gear on the diet, because I would much rather have less of me dealing with the heat and humidity of Pennsylvania in August. I gained some weight in the first month of working because, well, cafeterias with Indian food and stir-fry! Vending machines! Fast food! But believe you me, seeing the number on the scale really put the kibosh on that. I've managed to lose almost 1/2 of what I gained, so I'm back on the right track.

So what else? Early Music Singers is AWESOME, and I finally managed to drag Judy into singing with us. We are doing the most incredible music this quarter -- the Three Spanish Greats: Morales, Guerrero, and Victoria. Concert is June 6th at 8:00 at the Stanford Memorial Church if you happen to be in town... Physically, I'm rediscovering the joys of computer-related tendonitis, and managed to tweak my knee again, so I'm back doing PT. Mentally, well, it's tough some days. We just lost my oldest friend's dad. They moved across the street from us when we were 1.5 years old so I practically grew up over there. E spent so much time helping with my dad, and right after the funeral, they discovered hers had cancer. Man, cancer totally sucks. Mom seems to be doing okay... We've kinda gotten in the habit of her coming over for dinner Saturdays when I'm not doing SCA, and then we watch a movie. Last night we saw Captain America, and today I am taking her to see The Avengers for Mother's Day. And I am going to make her promise not to ask any questions until the movie is over!!
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