Первые автобусные линии в Черновцах (румынский период ,1933 год)

May 06, 2015 18:46

Оригинал взят у edgarhauster в First Autobus Lines in Czernowitz!


Putting into operation of 10 autobuses, bearing the car numbers 310-319 by I.E.C.M. [Electromechanical Corporation of the Municipality of Czernowitz] on August 26, 1933, servicing three permanent and two seasonal bus routes. The autobuses, Type Fiat 622, assembled in Brașov, were dark red, had a 45 HP engine, 19 seats on luxury leather benches, ventilation systems and double doors, manually or automatically operated by the driver. The bus garage has been erected next to the tramway depot.

Link: http://ehpes.com/blog1/2014/05/09/omnibus-lines-in-czernowitz/
Source: http://www.transira.ro/bb3/viewtopic.php?t=4706

Черновцы, история Черновцов

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