i've got dreams like you - no, really!

Dec 10, 2010 03:04

just much less - touchy-feely
they mainly happen somewhere warm and sunnyyyyyyyy!
  1. I watched Tangled again today, this time with snoorella and imprinted_soul, and for free (!!!). A few more thoughts behind the cut, just because I am a sappy, Disney-lovin' fool.

    • I couldn't help but notice how nicely the movie oriented you as soon as you stepped into a new setting. I can't think of many other animated movies with recurring places (instead of nondescript areas and huge expanses of land where characters never come to a same area twice), but Tangled definitely does, and they use that really well. I love the overhead cameras and the shots that move with the characters - there's a fight scene in the middle of the movie that starts off immediately with you seeing where the characters are, where they need to go, and the obstacles on the way, and they don't do it clunkily at all! I loved the area around the tower, with the curtain of leaves, and I love that you know exactly how it looks right outside that tower. It's a dumb thing to geek out about but I really, really enjoyed that.
    • Donna Murphy is fabulous as the evil non-mother - Mother Knows Best is full of character and sass and a lot of reason to dislike her, which I loved. I loved keeping track of the way she interacted with Rapunzel, too - at the end of MTB she nudges Rapunzel's head down so she doesn't kiss her forehead, but her hair. I like that part of me could almost believe that she does love Rapunzel, but mostly - no.
    • Rapunzel says, "that's why my mother never let me - " and then she pauses and corrects herself and says, "that's why I never let myself leave the tower", and that's just an example of how in-charge of her story this character is, which made me happy. I just wanted to say that. She's clumsy and she's earnest and she's brave and she's smart, even when brandishing a frying pan as her weapon, and I love how much she moves the story forward on her own.
    • I like that Rapunzel is barefoot for the entire movie. Feet are a bitch to draw.
    • FLYNN, SIR. I'm still flailing a little bit over that hug and how much their limbs overlap (IT'S THE SWEETEST THING, HIS BIG HAND ON HER BACK AND HOW CLOSE SHE LEANS IN AND THE WAY HE BURIES HIS HEAD INTO HER NECK OH MY GOODNESS, IT'S ALL THAT I WANT TO SEE IN A HUG BETWEEN PEOPLE I 'SHIP, SEE?!!) but his schmoopy face when watching Rapunzel in the town combined with the way he pushes Maximus the horse away but doesn't try at all to change his expression is my favourite thing, especially because of how he doesn't try to change his facial expression - he knows he's gone already! TOO CUTE. I'm sorry, but damn it. They are the cutest.

      And Rapunzel going around happily, easily, thoughtlessly calling him "Eugene" and him responding to it with that same ease despite not having been called that in years and years is adorable, too, and oddly endearing. I don't know why I love it so much, but it's so much like her to just immediately take to calling him a different name, and it's so much like him to just go along with it BECAUSE IT'S HER, AWWWW.

      (And did someone's heart collapse a little bit because of the overwhelming feelings she felt when Rapunzel said "you were mine" after Flynn's "you were my new dream"? IT WASN'T MINE, of course it wasn't, I am too weary of joy and cliche to enjoy lines that everyone knew were coming. Of course it wasn't mine.)

      Ugh, you guys. You guys. I forget how satisfying Disney movies are when it comes to 'ships. Sometimes all I need is that kind of contentment, okay.
    • I've Got a Dream is fucking delightful, I don't know why I tried to kid myself about things like this.
  2. As a side-note, crunching on popcorn is annoying but easy to tolerate, and people checking their cell phones for texts is okay (although no calling, ugh, what is wrong with you), but I draw the line at the food. I want to kill the person who thought it was a great idea to allow cinema food to include things like hot dogs and nachos and pasta and whatever else, because it is wrong that a cinema smells like anything beyond popcorn, and it actually gets disgusting to know people are eating full meals sitting a few seats down from you when everyone else is trying to enjoy a movie. And as a vegetarian I'm fine with smelling meat, I'm completely used to it, but it's unbelievably worse in an air-conditioned area like that, and when all I'm doing is watching a movie. I'm sorry for the rant, but REALLY. REALLY, CINEMA-GOERS?
  3. I don't have too much to say about Merlin, but the setting-up of the Round Table of Badassery was well-done, I think, because it felt both epic/awesome and also like all characters there were people who deserved to be there, which is nice, and it's more than I'm used to from this show. Also, knowing Katie McGrath has forced to smirk this often has made me like her more, feel better about watching her, and get really annoyed with the direction on this show.

    And finally, I am having a serious Colin Morgan Problem, but I don't know what to do with myself every time I see something of him that makes me flail on Tumblr, and I do think that most of my tags are written when I'm not paying attention to my brain. I love him (and Merlin Emrys, the bravest of them all!!!1) very much.
  4. Cougar Town is wonderful (Jules and Bobby being to laugh together over the boat made me smile and smile), Castle is warm and comfortable and delightful (I always love when Castle gets particularly enthusiastic about something), and Phil Dunphy chasing after the salesman with cologne is probably the greatest thing I've seen this week (but then again, Phil Dunphy is one of the greatest things ever in general, so thank you, Modern Family).
-- rachu

tv: modern family, actor: colin morgan, movie: tangled, movies (disney), tv: castle, life: rants, tv: merlin, tv: cougar town

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