
Oct 21, 2010 02:17

The things that annoy me about the internet continue to annoy me, but the mostly positive response to Spirit Day is excellent. And Tumblr going purple is brilliant, too.

VINCENT: And when you leave, and everyone always leaves, I will be left once more with an empty heart and no hope.
DOCTOR: My experience is that, you know, there is always, surprisingly, hope.


I'm a little removed from all of this, being in a completely different continent, in a completely different time zone, but pushing things on the internet is something I can do, especially considering the number of my Tumblr followers. And any support is support, so be confident and vocal about what you have to offer.

-- rachu

P.S.: Completely unrelated, but I did a maths exam paper under exam conditions and it's the first time in maybe four years that I've felt like I've nailed the paper, except for the two questions I didn't know how to even start breaking down. It was great.

misc.: rights, life: school, !alert

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