Apr 01, 2006 14:41
tuesday was fucking awesome!
I SAW SAUL WILLIAMS!!!! i sat right up front and listened to him scream three poems. he had such an energy about him. he was amazing. oh man. i can't put into words how it made me feel. well i guess i can: truly inspired. so yeah he read three poems. the best being sha clack clack and answered some questions and went off on little rants. then he signed my book.
then a friend and i went to the crystal bridge and it was beautiful of course. after going inside we walked around and laid in the softest, greenest grass. we also went to sushi neko which was excellent. and to the scooter shop to see brian's new baby. she's orange. a stella.
so yeah basically tuesday was a great day.
in other news. i have a new job. i'm not cut out for the work force. i'm not going to admit where i work now. it's probably temporary...hopefully. i think i'm going to go apply at joe's place. because thats what i need...to drink more. ha.
ok, well this was for scott. thanks for reading.