Sep 04, 2005 05:19
ha i quoted bowie, weird.
alright, a major way. my life is about to under go some changes. my plan so far is work 60+ hours in the next 3 weeks between lindsay and robinson shuttle, quit, go to utah for 3 weeks, come back, work as a phlebotimist (sp? who knows how to spell that, haha i should know since hopefully it'll be my job title.)for the plasma place off lindsay and 12th, sell my car to my room mate who i will also be working with HA, cut back on smoking (cigarettes), umm yeah and be more of a loner. oh and get over some problems. i'm really excited and i hope it all works out as stated above.
i deleted my myspace, HA! fuck you steven for saying i'd never do it. i was sick of really weird creepy guys always hitting on me. ugh. the internet is so stupid, i'm going to make it a point to do more with my time than to sit in front of this fucking box. i have to admit i'll miss it a little but fuck myspace. it's silly and way stupid.
k, thanks for reading, wish me luck with my life changing plans! adios.
p.s. i'm sorry but i've started saying adios a lot. forgive me.