Hey and welcome to
falsexpretense is a new graphics community run by
applementos and
beautifulovexo. It will host various assorted graphics made of different fandoms such as The OC, One Tree Hill, Pirates of the Carrabean, Harry Potter, Grey's Anatomy, House, High School Musical, Hannah Montana, She's The Man, Smallville, The Notebook, etc. It will also foucus on various celebrities, bands, artists! Basically anything and everything that is listed in our profile and more!
Both Allie and I (Cassie) have been making grpahics for about a year, and have been partners in crime since the summer! We love making stuff for you guys and girls, so if you suggest something we will try to slip it in our next post ;].
Members only! You have to join in order to view the graphics!
Would you like to affiliate with
falsexpretense? Comment this post =].
A tout a l'heure!
Cassie & Allie