Dec 30, 2006 01:55
im all upset because my sister hates me...and shay's over stayed her welcome...
everyone is here..
and i came home to get away from them..and then they come here..what the fuck..maybe i should start working 24/ i won't have to put up with this..
i think this starts..because all i want to do is work..and two jobs make me im crabby and then emily gets all butt hurt about it
she told jeremy that i was a bitch around jana..all im worried about when im around if emily wants to come or not...she never wants to be around
what up on life sounds good..but then i'll be around to much... so fed up with pisses me off...graduation can't come any ready to move some where were no one knows my name...
just fucking go home already..leave and not come back for a few days...let me cool's sad when i can't even come home..and feel at home..
thanks for the tear drops on my means alot..