List of Spells and Incantations

Feb 09, 2020 15:06

Activation Keyword: For so Kratika Socratia

All spells are either things used directly by Yue, or are used by people that had the same training as Yue. Spells used by others but Yue probably knows the incantation are noted in the spell information. If a spell has multiple elemental forms, Yue's used form (or most likely known form) are mentioned.

Yue's shown Elements are Light, Lightning, and Wind.

Ariadne Anti-Demon Barrier - A barrier to block entry, even from high level demons and other-worldly monsters, completely defending a small group (about five or six people). The barrier appears to be two sided, so it leaves you trapped, but gives time to regroup. Two spellcasters are needed to conjure it, which is limiting.

Cantus Bellax - A basic for any mage aiming to be able to use hand to hand combat. It increases the physical cabilities of the caster. Similar to a basic of magic, that the mage can increase their own power, this increases mage's physical abilities, but also burns through magic at an accelerated rate. Allowing for a greater physical ability, but at greater fatigue.

This spell is from Negi's arsenal, however it is a standard of magic fighters. Given the size of the blade she carries, she almost certainly has an unincanted version of this spell (or a similar spell).

Confirmatio - It reinforcement charm, used to increase the power of a sword and give it an elemental affinity. In the case of Yue she uses Fulminas in the incantation (Lightning). Damage boost and Lightning element which... honestly other than the fact that Lightning causes stun in Negima isn't that important. unless Elemental Rock Paper Scissors is ever an issue.

Deflexio - The most basic shield incantation. It creates a small energy barrier, generally used to block incoming attacks. However due to the weakness of the spell, direct impacts will often break it. Yue casts this in pairs, creating an edge, instead of trying to take the attack head on the shields glance the attack to the left and right, cutting through the spell like a knife. It also allows for a counter attack, directly down the middle between the two shields.

Exarmatio - A disarming spell, it knocks away heavier objects, but usually has the un/fortunate side-effect of destroying/transforming lighter objects such as clothing. The element used determines how the spell acts. Yue has shown use of the wind version, which turns clothing into flower petals, while blowing heavier objects out of hand.

"Flans Exarmatio"
"Blow forth and Disarm"
Flans Paries Aerialis - Barrier Wind. A very effective Magical Boundary, able to completely halt a physical impact as bad as a 10 ton truck. However the timing must be precise, and the spell has a limiting cool-down between castings. This spell is used by Negi, but very early in the series, putting it in Yue's ability range.

Fulguratio Albicans - Lightning Magic, bursting directly from the user's palm. Effective against living creatures, but for the most part harmless against inorganic things.

"Unus Fulgor Concidens Noctem, in Mea Manu Ens Inimicum Edat! Fulguratio Albicans!"
"A stream of light to cut through the night, spring forth from my hand and throttle my enemy! White Lightning!"
Illusion Breaker - Used to shatter low level illusions and glamors. Causing the illusion to shatter like glass.

"Se Dissolvant Circumstantia Falsa!"
"Let the False World Dissolve Itself!"
Limes Aeriales Is a mid level defense magic. Used to block things easily effected by air currents and wind. Blowing away light objects, gasses, fires, etc.

"Elementa Aeriales, Venti Spriantes Cito Adieuntes Ab Inimicus Meis Me Defendant. Limes Aeriales!"
"Spirits of the Air, Breath of the Winds, Come Forth and Protect Us from the Enemy! Barrier of Air!"

Me Armet - A spell used by Ariadne Mage Knights to summon their sword.

Sagitta Magica - A basic attack spell, depending on the mages capabilities determines what elements they can use, as well as how many shots they can fire at a time. The amount of shots fired at a given time is also effected by if the mage is using the unincanted version, which requires more energy to summon less projectiles. The difference is great, Negi is shown able to use 199 Arrows, but only 9 if he does this without incantation (earlier in the series). The versatility comes from choosing subtle quick attacks (a few homing shots at close range), or a beam spam macross style massacre (raining magic arrow death as need be).

Yue is not shown using this, but it is one of the basic spells. Given her shown affinities, she can use the same arrows as Negi (Lucis, Aerialis, Fulguralis). Lucis (Light) is a straight damage attack, Aerialis (Wind) is used for binding a target, Fulguralis (Lightning) is used for injuring and stunning an opponent. Her current level she can probably shower an area with arrows, but at a much longer casting time than to be advised without cover.

The command Series applies to showering an area with arrows, Convertia is used to confine the arrows to a single target. The Arrow count is always a Prime Number.

"Number" Spiritus "Element in Latin"
eg. "7 Spiritus Fulguralis"
Pactio card Commands
Adeat Summons the artifact.
Abeat Returns the card form.
Sim Tua Pars! Activates a stronger magical barrier, increasing the strength and abilities of the Ministra, in case the Magister is unable to consciously grant his power to her. Less effective than if the Magister chooses to transfer energy to his partner.

Flight commands
Volatio! Levitatio! Scopae Volent! is used to command a broom to the air, Yue is shown flying without incantation so this is probably no longer needed. In fact, it is stated flight is one of the first unincanted spells for any beginner mage.

Flight! Levitation! Fly, Broom!
Acceleret is really rather obvious, and another thing she hasn't used since she was a student. So it is likely this is also usable without incantation.
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