Dec 08, 2005 21:00
January: Ninth Circuit court rules it is legal for an employer to fire a female employee for her refusal to wear make-up.
Feburary: I'm back at the Academy now, going for my associates degree, before going on for a degree in photojournalism.
March: I just finished my application process and now I am going to study in Paris. It's a three week course, and we get to one thousand museums and such things.
April: Nothing
May: Nothing
June: Sitting in an internet cafe down the street from our hotel/apartment thing. So far we have gone to see Notre Dame, Saint Chappelle, the hill of Monmarte where the bohemians and artists used to hang out.
July: It's been a while. I guess I should start off with Paris. Paris rocked.
August: Nothing
September: Today is day number two with no cigarette. Alex. I'm looking at you. Today is also the day our new roommates arrive.
October: I have a dream. Wait...First of all, I went to a funeral. My Great-Grandmothers, she died at 102 years old last month.
November: Hey. The much awaited website.
December: Guess where it was raining last week. Portland, OR! No, really! It was raining in Portland.
So, my year was basically, school, Paris, smoking, website, Portland, Funeral, and nothing. Spiff.