Oct 27, 2004 16:39
Well, as I've researched court cases concerning abortion (Roe v. Wade) and comparing them to the court case (Dred Scott v. Sanford) ... I've found a very convincing argument laid out fairly simple. I won't go into much specific detail (although I will be happy to share my finished report with anyone who would like to read it when it's finished) but this gives a short and simple comparison.
Dred Scott vs. Sanford (1857)
7-2 Decision (In favor of slavery)
Blacks - considered a Non-Person
Property of owner
Owners have right to Buy, Sell or Kill the slave or "property"
Abolitionists should not impose Morality on Slave owner (considered a religion belief)
Slavery was ruled legal
Roe vs. Wade (1973)
7-2 Decision (In favor of abortion)
Unborn Child - considered a Non-Person
Property of owner (mother)
Owners (mothers) have right to Keep or Kill the child "property"
Pro-Lifers should not impose Morality on a mother (considered a religion belief)
Abortion was ruled legal
It is out right frightening the similarity between the two cases. The Supreme Court corrected it's ruling on Dred Scott vs. Sanford by a strong opposition led by Abraham Lincoln ... Hopefully we will have Supreme Court Justices soon that will see the mistake in Roe vs. Wade and correct that ruling as well.