May 24, 2004 17:02
im definitely out of the loop on everything. i have no idea wuts goin on with ne1 nemore. i wanna thank everyone for keepin me updated with wuts goin on and treatin me like a great frend (yes there is a hint of sarcasm directed at a few specific ppl). i feel so loved and cared about.
on another note, i got my yearbook today and most of my real friends have signed it already! yay! i like reading what people have to say to me. one person even apologized b/c there are many times when shes just given me a hard time. i mean cmon, no one apologizes to me. so that brought me a smile.
i really dont like president george w bush. he duznt deserve the title president. hes a fucker. i dont care whos reading this because this is america. free speech, and i will say wutever i want. he hasnt done shit for this country!! he needs to get his ass out of other country's businesses and start worryin bout our own problems, like california and our economy. in case he hasnt noticed, cali duznt have the best economy, and we have a fairly large deficit right now. maybe he should be tryin to help us get rid of that instead of givin sum iraqi a pop tart. even my relative who is a commander in the marines things bush is an idiot and is doing the wrong thing. yes i support this country entirely, but not when we have many problems of our own to be worrying about. i think that it wuz good that we took out sadam, however maybe we shouldve waited a little longer and tried to work on FIXING OUR OWN DAMN COUNTRY FIRST!!! cmon! hes just tryin to finish what his father started. man, i could go on and on about bushes lies and mistakes, but im not gonna waste any more time on him. but do me a favor: whatever u have to say about my george bush portion of this lj post, keep it to urself. if ur gonna comment, comment about the previous 2 paragraphs. im just statin my opinion cuz im sick of hearing about a president that duznt know wut hes doin and duznt know how to fix his own country. y cant we have reagan back! its sad that he has alzheimer's cuz he wuz a great president. newayz, im bein forced to go watch bush talk. speakin of bush, w/e happened to that tv show "Thats My Bush"?? that shit wuz sooooooooooooooooo funny!!! i watched it every time it wuz on!!! it wuz my favorite show!! ne1 that makes fun of bush like that is a friend of mine!!